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Wilbur grinned. "With these weapons, and some training, I think we might win against Dream."
"So Wil, what's next?" Tommy asked as he looked at his leader, Wilbur, who was still grinning down at the weapons. "I think it's time to put these to use and practice." Wilbur replied, and he looked up at you. "How are you with a bow?"

"Well, it's not terrible. Sapnap taught me a couple of times but that was a while ago." You replied. "Well then, Tommy, I want you to help Y/N with her archery since you're our best archer and also because she's on a time schedule. We can all practice later today." Wilbur said, to which Tommy nodded and grabbed two bows out of the bag. He handed one to you which you took as he grabbed two sets of arrows.

"Come on Y/N, our targets are over here." Tommy said standing back up and pointing towards 3 sets of targets. You nodded and followed Tommy towards the targets. "Alright, it's pretty simple, and you probably already know this from when you trained with Sapnap, but try to get the arrows are close to the bullseye as possible." Tommy said and he stopped walking.

You looked in front of you and saw the 3 targets side my side. "Alright, that shouldn't be so hard." You say while lifting up your bow, the arrow already in place. You pointed the bow at the first target and aimed a little bit above the bullseye. From what Sapnap had told you, it's best to always shoot a little bit about the bullseye in case the wind shifts. You took a deep breath and shot the arrow. The arrow pierced through the air and hit the bullseye.

"Holy shit." Tommy breathed out. "You shot the bullseye, on the first target." You looked over at Tommy and saw his shocked expression and it caused you to laugh a bit. "I guess Sapnap's training really paid off." You say. Tommy nodded and told you to try and shoot the next targets. You did the same as last time and shot each on the bullseye.

Tommy was still shocked and impressed that you shot all the targets bullseyes that he went to the first target and picked it up. "What are you doing?" You asked him as you watched him pick the target up. "I'm seeing how good you are at shooting moving targets, I'll move around while holding the target and I want you to try and shoot the bullseye." He said. "Tommy are you crazy? I could shoot you instead." You say. "Don't worry Y/N, just trust me, I mean, I trust you." He said.

He trusts me? You thought to yourself. You never thought you would hear the enemy of your best friend say he trusted you, but yet again, L'Manberg started to feel like home to you even if you have only been there twice. The fact that Wilbur and Tommy were so welcoming when you agreed to be their spy and how much they cared when Wilbur brought you here when you hurt your head. How Wilbur saved you. You trusted them too. And you were ready to fight along side them.

"Okay, I trust you." You say as you lift up the bow again. You eyes followed Tommy as he moved side to side with the target in his hands. You then focused your eyes on the bullseye, you pulled the string back and took a deep breath and let the string go, sending the arrow in the air. You closed your eyes for a second, hoping you wouldn't hear a scream from Tommy, and you didn't.

You slowly opened your eyes and saw Tommy putting the target down, no arrow attached to him, and then you looked down at the target and saw an arrow, straight in the middle of the bullseye. "I told you, you could trust me." Tommy said with a smirk as he walked up to you and patted your shoulder. "Looks like we found our other best archer." You heard a voice from behind you.

You turned around and saw Wilbur standing their with a smile planted on his lips. "Other than Tommy, I have never seen someone that good at hitting all bullseye especially with an moving target." "I guess the advice Sapnap gave me came in handy."

"So it looks like it," Wilbur started. "Tomorrow, I will be teaching you how to fight with a sword, you many know how to do small attacks with your dagger but I will teach you how to fight with a real sword." You nodded at him.

You never really did hold a real sword. Dream gave you the dagger you have now as protection, but when you asked for a sword instead he immediately shut you down. You always wondered why.

"Now, you should probably get back to the SMP, Fundy spotted Punz looking around the forest and apparently he was looking for you, Dream must be worried, even though you've only been gone for a short period of time." Wilbur said. "He can be like that." You told him. "That's why he never let me leave the SMP."

"Well, look at this as your way of freedom." Tommy said. "Why don't you come back here later tonight for our small bonfire, Fundy and Eret can pick you up on their way over here."

"You know what, I'll come. It will be my first time sneaking out but, it'll be fun."


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