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Quick authors note!

Before we start this chapter, I just wanted to let you guys know that when I wrote this chapter, I completely forgot that Doomsday was more parts than just the tower war and I also forgot that Erets betrayal was in the same video as Doomsday so for the Doomsday chapter will be in two parts as I added my own idea to the end of the tower war BUT Erets betrayal will stay in the Doomsday arc and will be later on in the next chapter. Sometimes we writers forget what happens when it comes to writing books about real series!

So I hope you guys enjoy these next two chapters and the little idea I have at the end of this chapter, the song I linked, will be play during that idea ! Happy Holidays !

Dream thought burning down Tubbo's house would be a step closer to winning this war, a step further to show L'Manberg that he will not stop until they are defeated, even if it means burning every single thing the members of L'Manberg value the most. "What do we do now?" Sapnap asked him. "We go pay a visit to Tommy's land."


After your training with Wilbur, you both walked back to L'Manberg in silence, but it was a comfortable silence for the both of you. Wilbur had to admit, he was becoming rather fond of you. As you both walked into L'Manberg, you saw Tommy and Tubbo panicking, as they were, Tommy looked to the side and saw the two of you walking inside the walls. "Our leader and Y/N are back!" Tommy exclaimed and ran with Tubbo over to you both. "Calm, shush." Wilbur told them calmly. "Tell us what's happening." Wilbur said.

"Wilbur it's happening, Dream and his team attacked me, Tubbo and Eret in my tower, they overran us, and we had to jump into the lake under the tower to escape. Doomsday is happening now." Tommy said, breathing a bit heavily. "We sent Eret and Fundy out to get more supplies to help us." Tubbo said as he handed Wilbur the set of armour he was holding. "This is for you Wilbur." Wilbur looked at the suit of armour and gently pushed it away. "Tubbo, I appreciate your hard work to get this armour, but in L'Manberg, we don't do armour." He said with a gentle smile. "What we should do, is go into the van and wait for Fundy and Eret to return, when they do, we will start planning our attack." He said again to which the three of you nodded and all four of you went into the van and waited for Fundy and Erets return.

About 15 minutes went by and Fundy and Eret had returned with supplies, as they came into the van, they told you guys that Dream and his team were on top of the walls, surrounding you guys. The six of you were gathered around the table in Wilbur's van as he started to discuss your guys plan. "Element of surprise is needed, we can't go in just guns blazing right?" Wilbur said before he stopped and looked at Fundy. "My son, how have you've been?" He asked Fundy. "It could be better." Fundy replied, Wilbur nodded and looked at everyone else and continued. "Okay, so we don't go in guns blazing because that's not the L'Manberg way, do you know what the L'Manberg way is? We talk at them, we lull them into a false sense of security and that's when we stab them in the back, we stab them." Wilbur said and looked at you. 

Wilbur knew that being in a war against your old friends would be hard on you and he was right. You didn't want to fight Sapnap or George because of how close you three were and how they were always there for you, but you knew it was what you had to do, you knew you had to stop Dream even if it meant hurting Sapnap and George in the process. You looked up at Wilbur and nodded, showing him that you could do this. He smiled at you, with a more soft and gentle smile before looking away from you and looking at the others. "We need to go out there and stand our ground." Everyone nodded and looked at Wilbur as he walked towards the door and stood outside. He singled you five to stay inside while he looked around and saw Dream, Punz, George and Sapnap standing on top of the wall at each corner. Tommy walked towards the door, about to go outside, he opened the door while Fundy was telling him to stay inside, before any of you knew it, Tommy was shot in the shoulder by an arrow. 

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