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"You really think you can fight me and save them? You are just a farmer girl, you were never good with a sword." Dream said with a small grin. "Beating you will be a piece of cake." "We'll see about that."

You held your sword tightly and pointed it at Dream. "Well "best friend" let's do this." You said with a grin planted on your face. Dream pulled down his mask and ran towards you with his sword drawn. Dream may see you as a farmer girl, but you were so much more than that now, thanks to L'Manberg. As soon as Dream got closer, you ran towards him , as soon as he got close to you, you slid under his legs and slid over to Sapnap. As soon as you reached him, you picked up his shield, you heard Dream's footsteps come towards you and you quickly swung the shield so it was directly in front of you, making contact with Dream's sword. His sword prieced through Sapnap's shield, thankfully stopping his sword from coming too close to your face. 

You pushed the shield up with all your might, making Dream stumble back a bit. The shield fell to the ground, now in two pieces. Dream stood up straight and looked at you. He never thought he would ever see you fight, let alone fight him. He held his sword up again and swung his sword which you perfectly dodged. As soon as he was behind you, you kicked him in the back, making him fall forward and hit the ground. You thought he was knocked out by the way he wasn't moving, but as soon as you got close, he grabbed his sword and swung back at you. His sword came in contact with your side and made a sizable wound. You gasped and screamed in pain as the sword hit your skin. "Y/N!" You heard Tommy and Tubbo yell.

You put your hand over your wound and winced at the touch. "I told you Y/N, beating you would be a piece of cake." He said with a smirk before kicking you down so you were now laying on the ground. You groaned in pain as you hit the ground. Dream walked over to you and stood directly above you. "You really thought you could beat me? You should know, as my old best friend, that no one can beat me." He said with a chuckle. "And she said we'll see about that." A voice said behind Dream. Dream turned around but was met by Tommy's fist. The boy punched Dream.

Dream fell to the ground and was knocked out. "Fuck that hurt." Tommy said as he held his fist. "That was one hell of a punch!" Tubbo exclaimed as he stood beside Tommy. The two boys smiled at Tommy's punch before looking down at you and quickly ran over. "Oh my god, Y/N are you okay?" Tubbo asked as the helped you stand. "I'm fine, I'm fine..let's just get back to L'Manberg so Fundy can patch me up." You said while holding your side and walking back to L'Manberg. 


After a short walk, the three of you made it back to L'Manberg. Fundy was tending to the gardens while Eret and Wilbur were inside the camervan. As soon as you three entered the wall, Fundy looked up and saw you three. He smiled at your arrival, but his smile sooned faded as he saw your hand on your side, along with blood on your shirt. "Wil!" Fundy yelled as he got up and jogged over to you three. Wilbur and Eret heard Fundy's yell and ran outside, seeing you, Tommy and Tubbo standing in the field of grass, you looking the worse out of the three. The two boys quickly rushed over.

"What the hell happened to you three?" Wilbur asked, but mostly looking at you. "Tubbo got kidnapped so me and Tommy went to go rescue him." You reply. "And Y/N knocked out Punz and Sapnap and fought Dream as well! She did this amazing move with Sapnap's shield! And then she knocked Dream down, and Dream cut her side and then me and Tommy got out of the pit using teamwork and Tommy punched Dream to save Y/N!" Tubbo exclaimed, still having the smile planted on his lips. "Is this true? Why didn't you two come get me?" Wilbur asked. "Well, I wanted to prove to you that I am a good right hand man." Tommy said. "I asked Y/N to come along for the extra help incase I got taken too." He finsihed.

Wilbur looked at Tommy before looking at you. He placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and sighed. "We'll talk about this later. Fundy, bandage Y/N and Tommy up. We might have a war coming our way."



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