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"I will do whatever it takes to stop him, even if it means hurting him, or me die trying."


You, Fundy and Eret walked through the forest talking about random things that popped into your guys heads. You had asked them what made them join L'Manberg, Fundy said he joined because Wilbur was sorta of a father figure towards him seeing how he didn't remember much of his family and Eret said he joined because of how Wilbur and Tommy were brave enough to face Dream and he admired them and wanted to join. They also said that Wilbur and Tommy also made L'Manberg as a safe haven for Europeans, Fundy told you that he is Dutch and Eret said he is British like Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo. 

A long walk through the forest and you three had finally reached L'Manberg. Once you walked through the gates you saw Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur out and about in the walls. As you walked closer to them, Tubbo looked over and saw you guys, a big smile formed on his lips. "Fundy, Eret, Y/N!" Tubbo said happily which got the attention of Tommy and Wilbur. "Hey Tubbo." You said with a smile on your face. 

"What are you three doing here so early?" Wilbur asked as he and Tommy walked up to you four. "You weren't supposed to come until later tonight." "Well funny you ask," Fundy said laughing a bit. "Me and Eret got kicked out of the Dream SMP, we don't know how Dream found out but he found out we were apart of L'Manberg and kicked us out." "And what about you Y/N?" Wilbur asked as he looked at you, you looked at him. "Dream found out that I came here earlier with Tubbo and he kinda, got angry at me and put me on house arrest and that pulled the last string for me so I decided to finally leave." You replied. 

"Does this mean you're going to join L'Manberg?" Tommy asked, you nodded with a smile. "It does, I am ready to join L'Manberg." Everyone smiled around you. "Welcome to L'Manberg Y/N." Wilbur said as he set his hands on your shoulders and smiled at you, you smiled back. 


It was now night and all six of you were gathered near the fire that Fundy had made for your guys for the bonfire. You were wearing your L'Manberg uniform along with everyone else, the uniform fit you perfectly and it was very comfortable. Once you changed into your uniform, you felt like L'Manberg is where you were supposed to be and not the Dream SMP, though you had to admit that you did miss George and Sapnap, you weren't so sure about Dream. He was your best friend but you saw how the war with L'Manberg changed him, how his attitude changed, sure he was your best friend, but he was not the best friend you once knew.

"Here you go Y/N." Wilbur said while handing you some of the food Eret had prepared on the fire. "Hm? Oh thank you." You replied while taking the plate, you looked down at it and saw chicken, carrots and a piece of bread. "Lost in your thoughts again?" Wilbur asked as he sat down beside you. "Yeah," You replied. "I was just thinking about how Dream changed, he used to be so full of kindness, until this war happened, he just, turned into someone I didn't know." 

"He did used to be kind, I remember when he introduced me to the SMP with a smile, but after a while, I saw the man he was turning into, how he wanted power and I couldn't stand for it and neither could these guys here." Wilbur said has he pointed to Fundy, Eret, Tommy and Tubbo who were laughing on the other side of the fire. "And that's why you're here." Wilbur said which caused you to look back at him. "Though Dream was your best friend, you couldn't stand the way he wanted power by taking us down, even if it meant killing us. You have greatness in your heart Y/N, you chose to protect and fight along people who are almost total strangers to you because you knew it was the right decision to make, and you didn't care if it meant fighting your best friends, because you know good when you see it." He finished.

You stared at him with awe. He was right that the right decision was to side with L'Manberg because you couldn't stand that Dream wanted power. 

"And I want to thank you for helping us, for giving us weapons and just, for siding with us." He said while taking your hands and holding it gently in his, you could feel your cheeks heat up. "Thank you Y/N." 

You felt a feeling inside of you that you couldn't explain, one that you have never felt before. You cheeks were still bright pink as Wilbur held your hands and looked at you and you almost felt butterflies in your stomach. Wilbur Soot was not the man Dream had explained to you, instead he was sweet and cared for everyone who was a part of L'Manberg. Wilbur Soot inspired you. You saw how much L'Manberg meant to everyone, especially Wilbur, and you will do everything to protect L'Manberg and everyone inside of the walls.



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