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The home of L'Manberg


The brown-haired boy carried you in his arms all the way to L'Manberg, his home. As he walked threw the gates to the wall that surrounded the land of L'Manberg, he saw four figures out and about, that were familiar to him. One of them came running towards the two of you, he had blond hair and blue eyes, he was the right hand man, Tommy is his name.

"Wilbur!" Tommy yelled as he reached you both. "Wilbur what happened? Where did you get this girl?" He asked curiously as he looked down at your unconscious figure. "I found her unconscious out in the forest." Wilbur replied as he looked at his right hand man. "Where's Fundy?" 

"He's out by the garden, follow me." Tommy said as he lead Wilbur towards the garden where a red haired boy with fox like ears was, tending the crops and flowers. His ears perked up when he heard Tommy and Wilbur come towards him and he looked up. "Oh hey guys what's up?" He asked as he stood up and dusted the dirt off his uniform pants. 

"Fundy, I need you to help tend to this girls head wound, I found her out in the forest and I noticed her head was bleeding a bit." Wilbur said as Fundy looked down at you. For a moment he thought he recognized you but he shrugged it off and nodded. "Follow me." Fundy said as he lead the two boys to Wilbur's van. The three of them walked in and Fundy instructed Wilbur to set you on his bed and shooed the boys out so he could focus on your wound.

20 minutes passed by and Fundy had called back in Wilbur and Tommy but 2 others decided to join. Fundy was explaining that you had a minor head injury but said that you would be fine once you woke up. But Fundy had also realized why he recognized you. 

"She's what now?" Tommy asked. "She's Dream's best friend, I was wondering where I have seen her and I realized that I've seen her with Dream, George and Sapnap in the Dream SMP." Fundy explained. "It must be Y/N." A boy with brown hair and sunglasses said. "Does she know you guys are working against Dream?" Wilbur asked Fundy and the two other boys, they shook their heads "no.".

"Y/N isn't one to meddle with war's and violence." The other boy said, he who had blond hair and blue eyes, they same as Tommy. "That's right, she mostly tends to the crops and the animals in the Dream SMP, it's rare that you see her with any sorta of weapon." Fundy said.

But what the boys didn't know while they were talking, is that you had woken up and heard what the were saying. "Fundy? Eret? Tubbo?" 

All five boys turned around and saw you sitting up on Wilbur's bed looking at them all. Fundy was the first to walk over to you as he bent down in front of you. "Hey Y/N, how is your head?" He asked carefully. "It still hurts but what are you guys doing here? And who are those other people? And where are we?" You asked him, many questions running threw your head which was still hurting from the impact you made with the tree. 

Before Fundy could open his mouth, Wilbur walked over to the two of you with a chair, he set the chair in front of you and sat down. "My name is Wilbur and that is Tommy." He said as he pointed back at Tommy. "I brought you here after finding you unconscious in the woods and had asked Fundy to tend to your wound." He explained.

Wilbur and Tommy? As in the guys starting a war with Dream? You thought.

"You two are the ones who are starting that war with Dream right?" You asked cautiously. "Actually Y/N," The boy with the sunglasses started. "Dream was the one who started the war with them." He said. You looked at him. "What are you talking about Eret? Dream wouldn't do that, I know he wouldn't." You say defending your best friend. "Trust us Y/N, we thought he wouldn't either, but when he kicked out Wilbur and Tommy from the Dream SMP, they tried to get their own independence by starting L'Manberg but Dream, he wasn't so happy about it and he declared war on them." Eret said. "That's why me, Fundy and Tubbo are here because we don't agree what Dream did and we want to help Wilbur and Tommy."

You couldn't believe what Eret had told you. Your own best friend, lied to you about everything, about how Wilbur and Tommy left the Dream SMP instead of telling you he kicked them out because they wanted freedom and independence. "He told me they left to start their own village because they didn't want to be apart of ours, he said they were dangerous." You say looking down. "How could he lie to me?" 

"I know it is a lot to take in Y/N since you're his best friend, but please know that they just want freedom." The boy with blond hair said, he was Tubbo. "And we want to help them so please, do not tell Dream or even George and Sapnap that we're helping them." Tubbo pleaded. You looked back up at all of the boys in front of you.

You felt bad for Wilbur and Tommy, at first you thought they were crazy for leaving the village but now you felt sorry for them after learning the truth, you were also angry at Dream for lying to you all this time and saying that they were dangerous yet they just wanted freedom. You didn't like war or violence but you knew what you had to do, even if it meant betraying you best friends and your home.

"I won't tell them, but under one condition." You said, which caught the attention of the boys. "Let me be your spy." 

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