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Wilbur looked at Tommy before looking at you. He placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and sighed. "We'll talk about this later. Fundy, bandage Y/N and Tommy up. We might have a war coming our way."

Fundy led you and Tommy into Wilbur's camervan, the place you first met the boys. Fundy sat you on Wilbur's bed as he gave Tommy some ice for his knuckle. "So you two gave the Dream Team some beatings huh?" Fundy said to the two of you. You looked at Tommy before looking at Fundy while taking off your jacket revealing your white undershirt. "Tommy was the one who knocked out Dream." You said as Fundy started to clean your wound. "Yes, but you were the one who single handily knocked out Punz and Sapnap, something I've never seen before." Tommy replied. "Well I've never seen someone punch Dream and knock him out before." You said with a smile while looking at Tommy, he returned the smile. "Thank's for saving us out there." "Hey, we saved each other."

Just as Fundy was finished wrapping your torso with a bandage, Wilbur, Eret and Tubbo walked in. "How are they doing Fundy?" Wilbur asked. "Well, Tommy is just going to have a bruised knuckle and Y/N here will be sore for a couple of days, her would wasn't as deep as I thought so she'll be okay." Fundy answered. Wilbur nodded and set down a book and grabbed a quill and ink. He ducked the tip of the quill in the ink and went to the book. "I'm going to draft of the new Declaration of Independence." He said sternly as he began to write. You looked at him while he wrote and you noticed how concentrated he was.

A few moments later, he lifted up the book and began to read it. "Forever the nation of the DreamSMP have cast great sins upon our great land of the hto dog van. They have robbed us. Imprisoned us. Threatened us. Wounded many of our men. This time of tyranny ends with us. This book declares that the nation which shall be henceforth known as L'Manberg, is separate, emancipated and independent from the nation of DreamSMP. The union of the masters of men. Together we are one. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to dissolve the bonds which bind us. Disregarding of this truth is nothing short of tyranny. We hold these truths to be self evident that all people are created equal. The right of the people exists above the right of the king. The right of the government, and the right of the economy. From the hto dog van we shall prevail. Life. Liberty. And the pursuit of victory." Wilbur looked up from the book and look at all of you. "Now I need everyone to sign their names on the front page under mine." He said sternly once again as he gave the book and quill to Tommy first, his right hand man.

"The new one? You guys already had a Declaration of Independence? Why write a new one?" You asked softly. "Because you joined." Wilbur said. "Most of the points in the old one was directed only for us men, but since we now have our first female solider, I felt like we needed to change the words." He replied as Tommy handed you the book and quill. You held the two things in your hands and stared at the book. This was the first ever book you have ever signed. You smiled as you wrote your name under Tommy's and handed the book and quill to Fundy. After everyone signed it, Wilbur walked over to a frame which held the old declaration. As he was about to take out the old book, Tommy saw someone outside of the van holding a book and spoke up. "Oh Wilbur there's a new book coming." Tommy said and looked at Wilbur.

Wilbur stopped what he was doing and the door to the van opened, and instead of a person, it was a floating armour set. Someone was wearing it which meant whoever it was, was invisible. The book was handed to Wilbur who opened it.

"What does it say?" You asked him. Wilbur looked up at you. "The Declaration of War." He said with no emotion. "Sometimes you just gotta kill some people sometimes ya'know? Dream SMP declares war on L'Manberg. Joint resolution, Punz, Sapnap and Dream."

Yes, I had to change some of the wording in the Declaration of Independence :P


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