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You looked at the boy, Tommy was helpless, his best friend has been taken and he knows he can't rescue him alone. "Alright, let's go get Tubbo back."

"Where do they have Tubbo?" You asked Tommy as the both of you walked towards the end of the forest dividing L'Manberg from the Dream SMP. "Near my old house, they dug a hole and put him in there. I was hunting when I heard him yelling for help and saw him in the hole. I knew I couldn't fight them alone so I ran to L'Manberg for some help." He explained as you got closer to the outskirts of the forest. You both crouched down behind some bushes and came up with a plan. "I think you should go in and pretend you are going to save Tubbo, and get captured but don't worry, I'll come in from behind and knock them out and get you both out." You said looking at Tommy who nodded. He grabbed out his bow and walked out of the bushes and towards the 3 boys who you used to call friends.

"Dream." Tommy said sternly as he stood behind the boys. Dream, Sapnap and Punz turned around and saw Tommy who was pointing his bow at them. "Let Tubbo go." He said once again. Dream looked at the other two boys and scoffed. "And why should we?" Dream asked the boy. "Because I said so." Tommy said. Dream looked at Punz before nodding. Punz walked behind Tommy and pushed him straight into the hole Tubbo was in. "You know you can never win Tommy." Dream said before the 3 boys looked at Tubbo and Tommy. "No one is going to come and save you two." He said again, to which Tommy grinned. "Soon someone will." Tommy replied.

This was your chance. You quietly got up and out of the bushes, thankfully not alarming the boys. You grabbed your sword from you sheath (sword holder) and quietly walked up to them. As you got closer to them, your heart began to thump against your chest. This is your first mission against you old best friends, but you knew, you had to save your new ones. You went towards Punz first, and quickly knocked him out, he fell to the ground which caused the only two boys to look your way.

Sapnap and Dream saw you for the first time after you joined L'Manberg. You were different. You were no longer that innocent girl they knew who spent her time in the gardens, who wore overalls and sneakers, instead you were a brave women who is fighting for independence, fighting to keep her friends safe, wearing the L'Manberg outfit proudly.

"Y/N?" Sapnap said, almost breathless. You looked at the boy, Sapnap was always the one who was always there for you when you needed someone. Dream was your best friend yes, but Sapnap was there for you more, and it hurt knowing that he sees you as an enemy now. Before he could say another word you quickly kicked him in the stomach, he stumbled back and tripped over a rock, falling to the ground and hitting his head, knocking him out.

It was just you and Dream. You could tell by the look in his eyes that this wasn't the same Dream you knew, his eyes showed more anger than before as he looked at you, those calm blue eyes were gone. "So, this is what you decided to do? Join the enemy?" He asked in disbelief.

"They're trying to gain their independence, and you refuse to give it to them because you kicked them out of the village, I'm doing what's right and helping my friends gain independence." You said. "Your friends?" Dream said with a low chuckle. "They are not your friends, now I was your friend, your best friend, and you betrayed me." "And you lied to me." You retorted. "Now let my friends go."

"You really think you can fight me and save them? You are just a farmer girl, you were never good with a sword." Dream said with a small grin. "Beating you will be a piece of cake." "We'll see about that."

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