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"Because of this little accident, you're not allowed to leave the house property, I don't want to hear any arguments."


You stared at Dream in disbelief, you couldn't believe that he was putting you on house arrest for helping Tubbo, who was one of your friends. "That's not fair." You say as you stayed staring at him. "I said no arguments Y/N." Dream replied, staring at you as well. "All I did was help my friend move his stuff to his new home because you kicked him out of the SMP and I get house arrest for it?" You crossed you arms and scoffed. 

"Tubbo is not your friend Y/N!" Dream yelled, which caused you to flinch and step back from him. "Dream.." George said. "He is our enemy! He chose to be on the side of the traitors!" "That's enough!" Sapnap said raising his voice to stop Dream from yelling. "George take Dream outside to cool down before we leave." Sapnap said to George who nodded and took Dream outside. 

You stood there staring at the door as they left. Dream has never raised his voice at you before because he knows it makes you flinch and get scared. That man was not your best friend, your best friend was gone. "Y/N, you okay..?" Sapnap asked, taking you out of your thoughts, you looked at him and nodded. "Y/N I know you're not okay, but I also know if I don't leave, Dream will be even more angry." "Sapnap I'm fine, please go before he does." Sapnap nodded and left the house, leaving you standing there alone. 

As you were left alone, you knew what you had to do. You knew that it was finally time to leave the SMP and join L'Manberg. You remembered you told Wilbur you would get Dream's plans and that's what you did. You walked over to his office and opened the door. You walked over to his desk and saw some many papers laying there. After searching through every paper you could find, there was no signs of any plans made towards L'Manberg. You sighed in frustration and stood back up. 

You walked out of his office, closing the door and walking towards your room. Before you could sneak out and head to L'Manberg, you needed to grab your things, or at least the most important things to you. You opened the door to your room and grabbed the biggest backpack you could find and started putting things inside. You grabbed some of your clothes and stuffed them in your backpack, you also grabbed some of the things Sapnap and George made for or gave to you over the years. You picked up your compass that Dream gave to you as kids that pointed in the direction he was in. You stared at it for a second before setting it down on your bed. 

You picked up you backpack and put it around your shoulders as you stood up. You put your dagger in your sheath (Dagger/sword holder) and walked out of your room. You walked towards the door and opened it. When you did you saw Fundy and Eret standing there. "What are you two doing here?"

"We heard yelling when we were on our way to L'Manberg and thought we would check it out." Eret said. "Was it coming from here?" "It sure was." You said. "What happened?" Fundy asked. "I'll tell you when we get to L'Manberg." You said. As you were closing the door behind you, you noticed that they had bags with them like you. "Did you guys get kicked out of the SMP like Tubbo..?" You asked. Eret and Fundy looked at each other. 

"Dream, Sapnap and George came by our houses and told us that we were kicked out for teaming with their enemy, we packed our things and started to head to L'Manberg. Although Dream looked pissed when he came by." Fundy said. "Why do you have a bag?" "It's finally time for me to rightfully join L'Manberg. I was the reason he was pissed off because he was yelling at me for helping Tubbo move his stuff from his house to L'Manberg and he was calling you guys traitors. Dream is not the same person as he used to be, he is not my best friend anymore, frankly I don't even know who he is anymore." You said and looked at them.

"I will do whatever it takes to stop him, even if it means hurting him, or me die trying."

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