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"You know what, I'll come. It will be my first time sneaking out but, it'll be fun."

You made your way back to the Dream SMP after leaving L'Manberg. You were hoping that Punz wouldn't be waiting outside of the forest for you, if he was, you would have to make an excuse to get back home.

As you reached the end of the forest, thankfully Punz was no where to be found. You sighed in relief and walked towards the path and started to walk towards your house. While walking down the path you saw Badboyhalo and Skeppy planting some carrots and potatoes, they looked up at you and waved while smiling, you did the same.

You made your way back to yours and Dream's house. As you reached your home, you saw Sapnap and George standing outside. "Hey guys, what's up?" You asked as you walked to the door. "Dream called us here but he told us to wait for you to come back." Sapnap said. "What for?" You asked opening the door. "He didn't really say." George said.

The three of you walked inside of your house and saw Dream standing in front of his office door. "Hey man, why did you call us here and tell us to wait for Y/N?" Sapnap asked as he closed the door behind him. "Because I figured you guys should hear this as well." Dream said uncrossing his arms and walking over to you guys. "Okay what is it?"

"A couple minutes ago, Punz was here telling me news about L'Manberg." He said. "But wait, why am I here? You never talk about your war stuff around me." You ask looking at him. "Because this news, involves you, that's why." He replied.

You felt your skin grow pale. Does he know that I'm working against him and that I stole from him to help L'Manberg? You thought.

"Whoa whoa, what do you mean it has to do with Y/N?" Sapnap asked Dream. "Punz told me that he saw Y/N and Tubbo walk into L'Manberg together earlier." Dream replied. You felt Sapnap and George look at you.

I can lie my way out of this.

"Yes okay I was there." You say. "But it was only for a few moments, I was helping Tubbo bring his stuff to L'Manberg since you kicked him out of his house and out of the SMP, that's all." "We told you to stay away from them." Dream said. "Yeah I know you did, but I wasn't going to let my friend carry all of his stuff from one place to another, so I helped." You said.

"Did you talk to Wilbur or Tommy?" George asked. "No I didn't, I saw them but I didn't talk to them." You replied. "Good, because we would hurt them if they tried another on you." 

You felt your chest tighten. You knew Dream's hatred towards Wilbur and Tommy, but you still couldn't believe that he put the blame on them instead of himself.

"Because of this little accident, you're not allowed to leave the house property, I don't want to hear any arguments."

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