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"We would have hurt those two badly for touching you."

Those words ran through your head all night as you laid in bed staring at your ceiling. After the talk you had with Dream, George and Sapnap you quietly ate your dinner and listened to the three boys talk. You didn't really know what to say so you just sat there and ate. After a few hours went by you said goodbye to George and Sapnap and said goodnight to Dream before going upstairs to your bedroom.

You didn't know how to feel about the sentence your best friend said to you. You didn't understand why he wants to have a war with Wilbur and Tommy, you have met both of them and they're really nice people. You admitted that siding with L'Manberg was an good idea, but at the same time, you admitted you didn't like betraying your childhood best friend and the friends you've made along the way, but you knew you had to do what you felt what was right, even if it meant siding with your best friends biggest enemy. L'Manberg.

It was the next morning and you sat at your kitchen table eating the eggs you had made for you and Dream. Dream took his plate into his office which you were curious onto why. You were also still curious on why he wanted Tubbo to come here today.

On cue, you heard the door knock. You stood up and walked to the door, opening it once you reached it. When you opened the door, Tubbo stood there in his green shirt rather than the suit he had on yesterday in L'Manberg that matched Tommy's, Wilbur's and Eret's while Fundy wore a lighter coloured suit, of course the three boys had to change back into their normal clothes before coming back to the Dream SMP.

"Oh hey Tubbo, come in." You say moving aside so he could come in. He nodded and walked in and you closed the door behind him. "Dream is in his office." You say to him, he nodded once more and walked to his office while you walked back to the table to finish your eggs.

You wondered why he was so quiet when he came, normally he's so cheerful when he sees you. You thought that maybe it had to do with what Dream was going to talk to him about, you made note that you should ask Tubbo afterwards.

About 35 minutes passed and Tubbo finally came out of Dream's office with Dream following behind him. Dream waiting until Tubbo left until he went back into his office, closing the door behind him. You stood up and walks towards the front door, putting your boots on before walking out. "Tubbo!"

Tubbo turned around and stopped walking when he saw you running towards him. "Oh hey Y/N." He said. "Hey, what did you and Dream talk about? I've been curious all night." You ask. Tubbo motion for you two to start walking and you both did. "He found out." Tubbo said. "He found out that I'm helping Wilbur and Tommy."

Your eyes widen. How did Dream find out? They have always been so stealthy with this. "How?" You question. "They raided my house while we were at L'Manberg yesterday and they found my letters from Tommy and the extra outfit of L'Manberg I have, so now I have today to move out of my house and out of the SMP." Tubbo said. "They what? They had no right, it's your house."

"Maybe, but it is Dream's land and village, so basically it's his house as well even if I built the house myself." Tubbo said. "Where will you go?" You asked. "To L'Manberg, I'll tell Tommy and Wilbur what happened and that you, Fundy and Eret are still clear." He said.

You were upset that Tubbo had to leave because he got kicked out of the village just because he is friends with Tommy and Wilbur. You were mad at Dream overall for kicking him out and raiding Tubbo's house, a place that he built, a place he felt safe, now Tubbo doesn't have that. Maybe he will find a safe place with the other two boys.

"Well at least let me help you pack your things," You start. "And I can take you to Dream's special hideout to get weapons and armour for you guys like I promised."

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