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Dream SMP was your home and you loved staying there. Or so, that's what you thought.


You smiled to yourself as you finished planting the field in the centre of the village with potatoes and carrots. The villagers loved potatoes and carrots that you had to double the fields with them but you didn't mind since you loved farming. Especially tending to the animals. Ever since you were little you absolutely loved and adored animals that you begged Dream to let you tend them, you were so happy that he said yes.

As you wiped the sweat off of your forehead you saw your three best friends come back into the village which made you more happy than you already were. You stood up and dusted the dirt off over your overalls and walked over to them.

"Y/N!" George said as he saw you walks towards them, each boy smiled when they saw you, you smiled as well as you reached them. "Gogy!" You say back to him which made you giggle at his nickname. "How did your guys hunt go?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips.

"It went pretty well, we have some more materials to help expand the village and we have some pork, your favourite." Dream said removing the smiling mask he was wearing to the side revealing his blond haired freckle self. "Perfect! Because I just picked some potatoes and carrots so we can have them with the pork for dinner tonight." You say proudly.

The boys smiled and chuckled at your proudness and you earned a hair ruffle from Sapnap. "That's also perfect because we do love carrots and potatoes." He says removing his hand from your hair. "Good, because since everyone loves them that much, I planted more rows of each." You say, proudly again. "Wow N/N, that's really impressive." George said looking at the crops. "It's what I do best." You say while you four start walking back to your and Dreams home.

"Oh before I forget," You say looking at Dream. "Is it okay if I go into the forest to find some more animals to bring into the farm?" You asked him. You could see that he was thinking. "Do you have you knife?" He asked you, to which you nodded to. "I don't see why not. But if you see anything dangerous I want you to come back here right away okay?" He said.

"Dream I can take care of wolves myself." You say in defence. "I'm not talking about wolves." He said sternly which caught your attention. "There's 2 individuals who may be starting war with us and I want you to stay away from them." He said.

Is he talking about Wilbur and Tommy? You asked yourself.

"One of them has brown curly hair with a beanie and he is tall and the other is shorter and has blond hair with green eyes and braces." George says looking at you. "Don't worry, I'll watch out for them." You say. "You have my word."

"Good, now make sure you're back before sunset or we'll come find you." Dream said. You nodded in response and turned around and started walking towards the forest.

When you were out of hearing distance Sapnap looked at Dream. "Do you think it's safe for her to be out there by herself while we're having a war with L'Manberg?" He asked curiously. Dream sighed. "No but I could tell that she really wanted to do this so I let her. I trust that she'll be okay, he is pretty skillful in using her knife." He replied.


You walked through the thick forest outside of the village in hopes that you can find some wild animals to bring back to your farm. You were in need of some chickens and cows but every time you went out and checked before you had no luck on finding any. But this time you felt it in your bones that you could find at least one chicken or cow.

As you were walking, you heard a twig snap from behind you and you quickly grabbed you knife and turned around. Just your luck you came face to face with a wolf.

Okay Y/N just remember what you said to Dream, you can take on this wolf. You said to yourself.

You gripped the handle to your knife as the wolf came closer to you, growling with every step making your heart beat faster. You didn't want to hurt the wolf because you never liked hurting animals, but you had no idea how you were going to escape. With every step the wolf took, you took a step back, not wanting to get involved with a wolf attack.

"Hi Mr. Wolf." You said carefully. "I'm not going to hurt you alright? I just wish to pass by with any harm." As you said that you earned a growl from the wolf and it lunged itself at you.

When it did you let out a scream and stepped backwards. But to your disbelief, you were right on the edge of a hill. As soon as you stepped back you slipped and tumbled down the hill, getting dirt stains on your overalls and face. Soon enough, when you reach the bottom, you hit your head off of a tree and were knocked unconscious.

And to your luck, a tall brown-haired boy was near when he heard your scream, and he came running towards you and found your unconscious body at the bottom of the hill. He quickly checked your pulse and sighed in relief when he found out you were still breathing. He picked you up and held you in his arms as he walked towards his home base.

The home of L'Manberg.

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