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"What does it say?" You asked him. Wilbur looked up at you. "The Declaration of War." He said with no emotion. "Sometimes you just gotta kill some people sometimes ya'know? Dream SMP declares war on L'Manberg. Joint resolution, Punz, Sapnap and Dream."

"The Declaration of War? I thought you guys were already in war?" You asked Wilbur. He closed the book and looked at you. "I wouldn't call it a war, Dream was mad at us for starting L'Manberg because he didn't want any other country other than the Dream SMP. He told everyone it was a war but it was him being mad. This, this is the real war." Wilbur said. Everyone looked at each other. "But this is how we consolidate our power, men this is not something to fear, this is how we show them that we are a nation. They are attacking us because they want power and they want greed. If we can show that our nation is strong even to hold out against an army, then we can show that we are strong enough to run this independently." Wilbur said proudly.

"Eret, Fundy, I want you two to fortify more of the walls." "Yes sir." "Tommy and Tubbo, I want you two to gather more materials and get potions if possible." "On it Wilbur." "This is going to be hard but I believe in you, all of you. Now get to work." Wilbur said, and with that everyone left.

"What would you like me to do?" You asked him. "Come with me." He said and started walking. You followed him and you both walked out of the hot van and out of L'Manberg. "Where are we going?" You asked. "We are going to train some more." Wilbur answered.


Dream looked up at Tubbo's house as flames consumed the house. Sapnap and Punz stood beside him, both with flint and steel in hand. Everything Tubbo had built, worked for and even collected was gone. His home, was gone. 

Dream thought burning down Tubbo's house would be a step closer to winning this war, a step further to show L'Manberg that he will not stop until they are defeated, even if it means burning every single thing the members of L'Manberg value the most. "What do we do now?" Sapnap asked him. "We go pay a visit to Tommy's land." 


Ayo ! I am very sorry for the late and short update, school work got my head spinning! I promise there will be more updates to come but for now it'll be just slow updates !

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