Chapter 14: Birthday Destruction pt 2

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             About 30 minutes later, Midas came back into the living room. But by then we had already discussed all the plans. I was feeling more confident in Maya, Skye and Tina to make it look nice but I still worried about them messing up.
           "Ready to go Y/n?" Midas said when he came back. He was dressed in all black and I thought it really looked nice on him. "Uh not yet. I have to grab a few more things from upstairs" I said as I turned towards the stairs and went to get a few more things. After about 5 minutes or so, we left the agency.

Maya's perspective:

We had watch the doors of the agency shut as y/n and Midas walked out. "Ok everyone, we need to get everything done before they come back" I said excitingly. "We have maybe 5-6 hours until they come back so shouldn't be hard". Everyone was lined up and was ready.
When I told them to go, everyone started going to there places. Skye and Meowscles were working on the food. Tina and one of y/n's friends, Komplex, were doing decorations and I was in charge of everything else.
           For a long time everything was going well but after a while we felt that we weren't going to be done with everything in time. The cake wasn't here yet, the decorations still weren't done, and what made everything worse was y/n said they were about to head back soon. I tried helping in more here and there, wherever I could to get everything done.  But it looked like no matter how much we rushed or I tried to help, nothing was getting done. "Maya" Skye said as she walked up to me. "Hey Skye, what's wrong?" I asked looking at her. She looked kinda worried. "What if we don't finish in time? Will y/n trust us to do something like this again?" She said looking back at me. I believed that we were gonna get everything done no matter what. "Skye it's ok, we are gonna get everything done" I said looking around. "We should be done soon. All we really need is the cake and a few more decorations". "I guess your right. I'll call meowcles to see where he is with the cake". She slightly smiled at me. She then turned around and walked back to the kitchen.

Y/n perspective:
          Midas and I went on a fake mission to practice for if there ever was a real one. We went to a location away from the agency, shot at some of the targets and went to another location and repeated that like 4 or 5 times.  
           Around sunset, we were on Mount Kay and the view was absolutely amazing. We sat next to each other looking at the view. I put my head on his shoulder and smiled. The view was breathtaking. I decided to text Maya that we were coming back soon cause we were finished with every place we had to go to. We went to Lazy Lake, Titled Towers, Salty Springs, Pleasant Park and now we were on Mount Kay.
         We had a long day and mid thought Maya texted back. She replied saying that they weren't ready and to distract Midas for a bit longer. About 30 minutes later the sunset was almost over and Midas was ready to go. I tried my hardest to distract him but it didn't really last long. We were pretty far away from the agency and I texted Maya that we were on our way back.

Maya's Perspective:  

As Y/n texted me that they were heading back I got a bit nervous. What if everything wasn't the say she wanted. After a few minutes I had went back into the agency. I stepped outside cause I sorta got worried and needed some fresh air.
When I opened the doors to the agency, I was in awe. There were white, gold and black balloons and party decorations everywhere and everything looked so nice. But I was confused. I was only outside for like 10 minutes. Skye smiled at me as she watched me open the door. I had realized that they had gotten a few of the other agents to help them.
I had walk over to the dining room to see the cake and other things there. The room was nicely decorated and right behind the cake there was a sign that say 'HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY MIDAS' in big bold letters. I was quite impressed. As I was looking at all the finished decorations I had heard the door ring. I rushed over to greet Midas and Y/n when they walked in.

Y/n's perspective:

Midas and I arrived and landed the choppa in front of the agency. I got really excited to see the decorations and everything they had done. Midas stared at me as we walked and was probably wondering why I looked so excited. When we rang the doorbell, Maya came to the door and opened it. "Hey y/n and Midas, how was the mission" she said happily. "Pretty good" I said. I looked at Midas and he was too busy trying to see what was behind Maya.
"Happy 24th birthday Midas!" Maya said as she pulled the door back so we can see everything. Everything was so... perfect! Midas looked at everything in awe and smiled. "Wow Maya this looks...." "..amazing" Midas said finishing my sentence. We all went over to the dining room, sung happy birthday and ate some cake. Midas and I quickly fell asleep after we had went to his room.
        The next day everyone was in Midas's office for some reason when I went in. Everyone was talking and Midas had fell asleep on his desk. I giggled and when I was about to take a picture, everyone had got behind him. I took the photo and hanged it up in Midas's and my photo wall in our room.

*The photo isn't mine*

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