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3rd Person POV.

Jungkook was lost for words he truly was, he didn't know that Yugyeom was sick and the taller needs him.

'What about Jimin?'

Was the first thing he thought of, he loves Jimin. More than he should. But, Yugyeom needs him as well as Jimin.

"Love, what are thinking about?" Jimin intertwines their hands together

"Nothing, love." He kisses Jimin's forehead.

"Are you sure? You look bothered by something, you can tell me anything kook-ah" Jimin smiled softly at Jungkook


"What about him?" Jimin said clearly playing dumb

"H-he's sick, he has cancer," Jungkook said, monotone.

"Ooh..." Jimin lets go of Jungkook "he needs you..." Jimin concluded "That's the thing you were talking about"

"You saw us?"

"Taehyung saw you..." Jimin smiled sadly "if he needs you, it's okay..." Jimin's lips quivering

"What about you?" Jungkook cups Jimin's face "I don't want to let you need me too"

"He needs you more kook-ah" Jimin looked up meeting Jungkook's dark orbs "I'm okay, I think"


"Shh, this is the only way for him to live long. He needs you to stay by his side..." Jimin's tears started to fall "I'll be okay, I'll try to be okay..."

"I love you..."

Jimin's sobs are louder as he hugs Jungkook "God, I love you too." Jimin cries

"I love you so much," Jungkook said with a shaky voice "I don't wanna let you go, baby."

"I don't want to either, love"

Jungkook hugged Jimin tighter as he buried his face on the crook of Jimin's neck.

Jimin hugged Jeongguk tighter as the older slightly remove his arms around the smaller, this is heartbreaking. They don't want this, but Jimin needs to understand that Yugyeom needs Jeongguk. 

"I need to go..."
Jeongguk whispered against Jimin's ear, Jimin nodded and lets go of the hug

"Take care..." Jimin smiled 

"I'll see you around"
Jeongguk smiled a little his heartbreaking from the scene in front of him, he truly hates Jimin crying. 

"Yeah, I'll see you around" Jimin took a deep breath and left. 

'see you around...'

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