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"Jimin!" Jimin heard someone call him from behind, he looked over and saw Taehyung smiling at him with a small wave.

'This isn't a good image...' Jimin thought.

He and Jeongguk had a rough passed and he and Jeongguk basically broke up yesterday he doesn't want people to think badly about them.

"Hey..." Jimin chewed his bottom lip and tighten his grip on his books

"You okay? Want me to help you with that?" Taehyung offered "You don't look too good, Jimin. You seem off." Taehyung placed his palm on Jimin's forehead to check his temperature, Jimin flinched at the touch.

"Your hot!" Taehyung exclaimed a bit loudly making everyone look at them, including Jeongguk and Yugyeom who was just a few meters away from them.

"I-I mean your hot like you have a fever!" Taehyung says

"I-I'm okay, Taehyung-ah..." Jimin smiles

He was about to walk off when Taehyung carried him bridal making everyone gasped by his sudden action, including Jimin.

"W-what the hell are you doing?!" Jimin whispered yell

"I'm taking you to the clinic, dummy. I don't want you to pass out here" Taehyung smiled.


"WHERE'S JIMIN?!" Yeonwoo basically sprinted towards the clinic when she heared that Jimin has a high fever.

"HE'S INSIDE!" The student who's incharge of monitoring the students' health yelled back.

"shit." She cursed under her breath.

She opened the door and saw Jimin sleepy peaceful with Taehyung by his side. She sighed, well at least he wasn't alone.

She tapped Taehyung's shoulder making the taller look at her, "you should go back to your classes"

"It's okay, I'm already excused"

"You really don't have to do all this" Yeonwoo looked at his cousin

"I want to. I have to."


"He feels like home."


Meanwhile with Jeongguk...

"what's that supposed to be huh?! Is he stealing Jimin away from me now?! That dickhea–"

"YAH! CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Yoongi throws an eraser at Jeongguk which was dodged by the boy.

"You've been ranting nonstop! FOR ALMOST 2 HOURS! WE GET IT YOUR JEALOUS" Yoongi added


"Your stupid for letting Jimin go." Namjoon glanced at Jeongguk then back to his book.

"Your stupid for being jealous right now 'cause first you have Yugyeom now. This is what you want in the first place right? Jimin as your bait and make Yugyeom beg to come back to you. Right?" Hoseok says, making everyone quiet.

"It's not Jimin's nor Taehyung's fault, this is what the decision you've made. This isn't about whose better, you had a choice. And you chose. Stick with it." With that Hoseok stood up and left.

"He's right. You've chosen, and you chose Yugyeom. You have to deal with this." Namjoon patted his shoulder and took his bag and left.

"For once, think about your own happiness. Ask yourself, do I want this? Do I want him back? Because, from what I see you just got back with him with pity. It's not love anymore" Yoongi said as he shook his head slightly.

'Do I want this? Am I regretting this?'

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