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-he knows.

"I'll get you something to eat, I'll be right back." Taehyung smiles. Jimin and Yeonwoo just nodded, she gave Jimin a knowing look and sighed.

Taehyung left the room, and the room went silent. Seconds, you could hear Yeonwoo cry.

"I'm was worried! W-when I heard the news that you were sick I basically ran out of the room!" Yeonwoo wiped her tears. "Jin oppa would be so mad at me for not taking good care of yo-"

"Hey," Jimin held her hand "I'm okay. I forgot to take my medicines this morning, I'm okay."

"YOU HAVE CAD JIMIN! YOU COULD DIE ANYTIME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU?! YOU THINK I WOULD BE OKAY WITH IT?! NO!" Yeonwoo bursts, Jimin was quite taken aback. "You're not going to leave me, Jimin..." She says in a shaky voice "stay healthy, drink you medicine, show up at you doctor's appointment...please"

"I can't lose you...your the only one that I got right now."

Jimin thought, she was right. She was always right about these kinds of things, he should stay healthy for his family. For the people he loves and loves him back, but all he could think that what if his heart suddenly stops.

He looked at her, and said "I'm sorry for being irresponsible, I should've been more cautious. I'm sorry."


Taehyung was headed towards the cafeteria when he bumped on Jackson who immediately smile at him.

"Hey, Tae" He greeted

"Hey, Mr. Wang" he winked.

"Where are you going? Lunch was already over dude" Jackson asked

"Oh, I need to get Jimin some food...he's not feeling well"

"Where is he?" Jackson suddenly asks, he looked paranoid.

"He's in the clinic, he's fine."

"He's not goddammit!" Jackson raised his voice and walked off.

Taehyung turned his heel and sighed.

"CAD huh?" He whispered to himself. "I'll keep you safe, from everyone who's hurting you..."


Lol short

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