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A month had passed and everything's the way they were before, Jimin started to cope up a little bit thanks to Taehyung. Yeonwoo and Jaebum dating, Jackson accompanying Jimin if he ever has a doctor's appointment, Jin trying to help his brother. 

Jimin could finally say that he's happy, but there are things he wants to change. He wants Jeongguk to be with him, he wants the taller to remind him how beautiful he is, he wants the taller to kiss him a goodnight kiss, in short, he just wants Jeongguk. He knows he couldn't, but something inside him keeps telling him that Jeongguk loves him even if he's with Yugyeom. He hopes that it's true. 

They are currently trying to hang a banner for the fair this month, it was actually moved to next week . It was supposed to be in the last week of the month, but the principal decided to make it a little early than usual. So, here they are trying to fix a banner. 

"YAH! ARE STUPID?!" Yeonwoo yells at Jackson who flinched by her loud voice. 

Jaebum, Jackson, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Yeonwoo were the one's who was basically assigned to decorate the school stadium. 

"YAH! DO YOU MY EARDRUMS TO COME OUT BY YOUR SHOUTING?! HUH? YOU WANT THAT?" Jackson yelled back which made Yeonwoo throw her shoe's at Jackson. "I SAID TO THE RIGHT YOU PIECE OF SHI-" 

"hey, enough of that" Yoongi butted in making the two quiet "we won't finish anything if you two keep on fighting"

Taehyung and Jimin giggled as they tie ribbon's on the banner, they were just minding their own business in their little world. "You shouldn't put to much glitter, Tae" Jimin giggles "You'll make a mess" 

"Oh yea?" Taehyung raised one of his brows and looked at Jimin with a mischievous smile

"NO!" Taehyung starts pouring glitter on Jimin who tried to ran away "STOP IT, TAE!" 

"But, Glitter suits you Jimin-ah" Taehyung laughs loudly as tried to catch Jimin

The rest just looked at them as they laugh quietly at the two, Jackson and Yeonwoo exchanged looks and sighed. Jimin's finally having fun. 

"You two would definitely clean this mess" Jaebum yells  


"Hey guys-" 

"You look pretty, baby" Taehyung laughs as he pulled Jimin by his waist, he strokes Jimin's hair and tucked it in his ear. "You look so beautifu-" 

The door closed loudly making everyone surprise, "Jeongguk..." Jimin whispered as he tried to remove Taehyung's grip. 

"Stay here. I'll talk to him" Taehyung said. 

Taehyung glanced back at all of them including Yugyeom. "If anything happens, don't come outside."

All of them gulp, they knew this wouldn't end well.

When Taehyung closed the door he was immediately greeted by a punch, he stumbled back and held his jaw.

"You still punch like a baby" he glared at Jeongguk who was looking at him rught dead in the eye.

"You should calm your dick, Kim." He growled. "Did I gave you the permission to hold him like that?! YOU EVEN CALLED HIM PRE-"

"Stop being immature, Gguk." Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes. "I didn't stole anything from you, YOU were the ones who gave him to ME."

"What the fuck are you saying? Huh? That I'm giving you Jimin?"

"You made him as your rebound ass hat. He deserves more than being that." Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk's collar.

"I LOVE HIM! I LOVE HIM, TAE!" Jeongguk yelled infront of Taehyung's face. The older chuckled

"You love him? Yet, you chose your ex over him? Are you talking bullshit right now, Jeon?" Taehyung scoffed. "If I'm in your place and I have Jimin for myself, I wouldn't choose my ex over him. He deserves more than just a choice, Gguk."

"Stay away from him."

"Or what?" Taehyung challenges

Jeongguk chuckles "You don't wanna know."

"I can't stay away from him."

"Why can't you?"

"He needs me."

"He needs me more"

"If he needs he should be begging you to come back."

Jeongguk remained quiet "Is he begging to you? No?"

"Shut up" he greeted his teeth.

"I make him happy,"

"I made him happier"

"You fucking broke him. You'll kill him if he's in your arms again."

Jeongguk scoffs as he rolled his eyes "His heart wouldn't take the pain."

"Let me go. I need to go."

Taehyung let him go.

He still doesn't have the courage to hurt his best friend. Just like before.

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