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"Ugh! What the hell! That boy is so stubborn!" Jungkook groans, they are at the cafeteria.

"Well, you need to step up your game Jeon." Jackson smiled, as the latter looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, being mean to him, doesn't help. He's never gonna answer you. It's kinda lame now." Jackson continued.

"I agree, " Namjoon nodded, as he high gives the brown haired man. "Why don't you serenade him? That's pretty cool." Namjoon suggested

"Yeah! And you'll serenade him in front of everyone, so that he'll say 'yes'" Hoseok butted in.

"How are so sure that he'll say 'yes'?"

"First, there are lots of people, second he'll be really embarrassed to even say 'no'" Jaebum rolled his eyes.

"Well, where are we--" jungkook was cut off when Hoseok spoke.

"The school theater, and you'll be playing a guitar too." Hoseok daydreams.

"What the fu--"

"Yeah, he should wear something fancy as well" Jackson beamed.

"Wait guy--"

"The whole university should witness this!" Jaebum smiled

"I'll reserve the Theater by tomorrow." Yoongi said, clearly not interested.

Jungkook faced palmed, he has a wholesome kinds of friends. But the thing is, he doesn't know what song would he sing, he doesn't even know how to fucking sing! And he was asked to serenade some guy he barely knows, for the first time in his life.

He's doing something he has never done to anyone. Including Yugyeom. He thinks, it's just useless to sing a song to someone. Everyone does it, what's so special about it anyway? Right? And the fact, that yugyeom will be there, can be a good thing too. He'll get jealous and get back with Jungkook in a heartbeat.

The next day came in, and Jimin walked to the corridors with everyone running off to the theater. He looked at Yeonwoo, both were completely puzzled by what's happening. He knows for a fact that the theater, is only used when someone will perform. Nevertheless, he hasn't heard about anyone performing. Today.

Jackson grabbed Jimin's arm, making the smaller stumble, he was confused by what's happening. Everyone was inside the theater, Jimin was seated in front. Right, in front of the stage, he looked at Jackson who just shrugged and sat down next to Yeonwoo.

He didn't even noticed Yeonwoo, sitting next to him, she was seating on his right.

"What's happening?!" She whispered

"How should I know? I was dragged here for no reason!" Jimin whispered back. The lights went dim, all the whispering died down.

A spotlight on stage was the only one with the light. Then Jungkook came out, Jimin widened his eyes.

'What the fuck???'

"Ehem, this song I'll sing is for a very special person." Jungkook smiled, as he adjusted the microphone.

"Maybe he's talking about Yugyeom!"

"He's so sweet! He really loves Yugyeom!"

"Yeah, I wish someone would do something like this for me."

Jimin heard different kinds of comments, mostly about Yugyeom. Jimin sighed as he looked at Jungkook, he looked at Yugyeom who's on the other side.

He looked beautiful compared to Jimin, maybe that's why Jungkook's so in love with him, Jimin looked back at Jungkook who begun strumming his guitar.

"I wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it" Jungkook started to sing, every girl in the theater squealed. Who wouldn't? His voice is angelic.

"I wanna let her take control
'Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah
She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing"

Jimin looked at Yugyeom, he was jealous about the fact he has a man like Jungkook. Jimin sighed, looking back at Jungkook whose looking back at him.

"And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah"

Jimin breaks the eye contact and looked somewhere else, somewhere other than Jungkook's eyes.

"Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holding me back"

Jimin hates to admit but, he likes Jungkook's voice a lot.

"There's nothing holding me back
There's nothing holding me back"

Jungkook looked at the audience, who were looking at him in awe.

When the song ended, everyone cheered.

"Maybe, Yugyeom will give him another chance!"

"Yeah, I hope so, they look good together."


"But, what about that boy who was with Jungkook the other day?"

"Forget about him, he's a whore. Like everyone"

Jimin sighed, he doesn't like it when someone talked bad things about him.

"Imma bit that girls ass min, just give me a go sign!" Yeonwoo whispered, still looking at the stage.

"It's okay woonie" Jimin mumbled

"It took me hours to learn that song and the cords" Jungkook laughed making some chuckle. "I chose that song cause, he's the only one that caught my attention this year and he's a bad ass let me tell you that!" Jungkook smiled, "And, I can't believe he showed up!" Jungook looked at Yugyeom's spot, making some students beside him squeal. Yugyeom blushed at the teasing, maybe he knows?

"Park Jimin, " he started, Jimin's eyes widened, everyone's gaze was on him. Even Yugyeom, Jimin tensed up. He looked at Jungkook, as the taller just smiled at him. "Min-ah, I've known you for a month now and everything about you is perfect." Jungkook said, Jimin gulped at his words.

'For fucks sake,'

"Jimin, I hope you reconsider my feelings for you, " Jimin gritted his teeth, Jungkook's so called friends teased him, including Yeonwoo!

'Fucking traitors'

"Park Jimin, I think in the short time, you captivated my heart with those beautiful smile of yours. Jimin-ah, baby, will you be my Boyfriend." Jungkook said sweetly, Jimin could puke right there and then.

The spotlight was now on Jimin, everyone anticipating for his answer. Does he even have a choice? No, he doesn't. It's either a 'Yes' or 'No'


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