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-jealousy at it's finest.


"Kim. Fucking. Taehyung." That son of a bitch really had the nerves to talk to Jimin even though I told him not to. He has some nerves, he stole Yugyeom from me now Jimin?!

I left and tried to search for Jimin or Taehyung, I stride when I saw Yoongi Hyung calmly walking, "HYUNG!" I yelled I was on the other side of the hall what do you expect?

He looked at me with a frown "WHERE IS JIMIN?!"

"I don't know!" He yelled back

'Where are you?!'

I went towards the school garden and saw two familiar backs, those silver hair and those ash-blonde are too familiar.

"Jimin!" I growled, I saw him tense up he stood up and looked at me with a nervous smile. "Come here." I lowly said


"I said come here!" I practically yelled at him

He quickly ran towards me, "what are you--"

"Don't fucking touch him, Kim." I scowled at him who looked unamused "I warned you before, and I'm not going to do it again. He is mine. Don't fucking come near him!"

"Why? Are you scared of him leaving you?'' He said sarcastically making my blood boil even more.

" Fuck you!" I yelled as I was about to throw a punch on his face Jimin held my waist. I looked at him "let go."

"No! Please don't!"

"Don't tell me your defending this bastard!" I frowned

"No, that's not it. I just don't want you to get hurt. Please, " Jimin held my hands "Anger doesn't fix anything. Just trust me, Kook, please." I sighed deeply and looked back at Taehyung who was staring at us with no emotions on his face.

"Fine." I gave up "but this isn't over. I'll let you slide this time." I said looking at Taehyung with a glare "c'mon!" I held Jimin's hands and went to the rooftop.

"Jungkook calm down" I heard Jimin whine

"Shut up!" I growled

After arriving at the top I quickly closed the door and looked at Jimin dangerously. He gulped and fiddle his fingers, I saw how tense he became. Well, this is the first time I lashed on him for almost 10 months of being 'boyfriends'

"your making me nervous...say something" he crocked out, a sigh left my mouth, and walked towards him. He looked up at me with watery eyes, which made me guilty.

"Hey..." I took a deep sigh before holding his shoulder "I'm sorry okay? I know that I overreacted by the situation and our conversation last night keeps on bugging me." I looked down. "It bothered me all night long, are you planning on leaving me?" I whispered as I laid my chin on his shoulder as I wrapped my arms on his petite waist, I felt him hug me on my shoulder as he whispered back.

"I'm not going to leave anyone Jungkook, I'm just scared okay" I looked at with a confused look my hands not leaving his waste and so does his.

"Scared of what?" I said softly

"Scared of being your second choice..." He mumbled, I look at him with disbelief.

"What are you saying?" I whispered as I cupped his cheek with my right hand "your not my second choice Min, you will never be." I leaned in so our foreheads touch, he sighed as he clutches his small (smol) hands on my shirt.

"I won't let anyone hurt you," I whispered

He looked up at me as I stare at his doe eyes, which I learned to love, he was beautiful. how can I be so blind to not know that he's a walking goddess?

I leaned in as our nose touches, I heard his breathing became rigid. "Please trust me..." He said

"I will, " As I said that I leaned in to capture his beautiful plump lips, his clutch on me tightens as I leaned in more.

He tastes so sweet for a guy, I licked his bottom lip asking for an entrance which he opened willingly, I sucked every corner of his lips as I cupped my both hands on his cheeks as our kiss deepened. I pulled away as I ran out of breath, I looked at him he has a flushed
face and his lips were swollen he was catching his breath as well.

He looked up at me as I gave him a cheeky grin. "What are you looking at?" He pouted

"What are you looking at hon?" I mimicked him

"Stop it!" He looked away and blush, "You have to buy me Ice Cream later!"

I furrowed my brows "why?"

"Because of you, I didn't attend my first period and for being jealous over nothing" he crossed his arms and looked at me with a pout.

I chuckle and peck his pout away "alright alright sweetheart, I'll buy you 10 of those Ice Creams"

"You better"

'I wanna be with him forever.'


Okay, so...another update?

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