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Jimin's POV

"If he's really yours, he wouldn't choose Yugyeom over you"  Jin-Hyung chewed on a cracker, I sighed. They don't get it, I want Jeongguk for myself but Yugyeom begged me for Jeongguk to come back to him. I want to slap him that they when he said that, I really do. He begged and cried for his first love to come back, I don't want anyone to feel pain especially when I'm the cause of it. 


"Jimin-ah, can I talk to you in private?" I looked up and saw Yugyeom fidgeting his fingers, he looked nervous. 

"sure. where?"  I smiled, trying to be polite. 

"Rooftop?" I nod as he leads the way, something inside me that tells me not to go or not to go near him.  But, what harm could he do to me? I know he's Jeongguk's ex, everyone knows that. 

He opened the door to the rooftop as he went in, I looked around and it was beautiful. Different types of plants, flowers, there's even a small hammock. "This where Jeongguk and I used to hang out...This was our small hangout." 

I hummed and admire the place, even more, I tried to ignore the burning sensation in my guts but it's getting worse and worse when I breathe the same air as Yugyeom. It's difficult. "What do you want to talk about Yugyeom-ssi"  I looked at him, he was looking at his shoes for some reason. 

"Jimin-ah," His voice sounded worn out "I need him back..."  he said softly.

"W-what..." I heard him the first time, I just want him to say something different. please, please say something different.

"I need him back, Jimin-ah...please" Yugyeom sobs as he kneeled in front of me as he begged. 

I could feel my tears streaming down my face as I looked at him, "Jimin, please. I-I want him back...please" He cries. "I was stupid back then I-I just don't want him to know that I have cancer, please. If you have any heart, give him back to me. please, I beg" 

I wanted to shout at him. I wanted to hurt him. I want to tell him that Jeongguk's mine and only mine. But, I chose not to. I stayed quiet and let him cry. "I love him, Jimin...I want him to be by my side until my operation. Please"  

I wiped my tears and looked away, the words that came out of my mouth were so different from what my heart wants to say. "Just take care of him for me..." then I left. 

End of flashback

I sighed as I remember those kinds of events. That was also the day, where Yugyeom told Jeongguk, that was also the day where we broke up. I know, it's fucked up but I don't like anyone suffering in silence because of me. I looked at Jin-Hyung, tears started to fall in my eyes. 

"Holy shit," Jackson said as he runs towards my side. Jin-Hyung hugs my side as he rubs small circles on my waist, I sobbed louder as I clutch my chest. 

"Make it stop! It hurts! Hyung, please...make it go away. please...make it stop" I cried in his arms 

Jackson-Hyung held my hand as he kneels beside me "It's okay, Min. You cry, I know you've been dealing with so much. We're here."

I cried even louder "Hyung, How could he smile at Yugyeom like that? How could he hold his hands? Did he even love me?" 

They stayed silent. 

"I love him so much it hurts. Too much" 

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