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Jimin's POV

Walking hand in hand with Jungkook feels amazing. It's as if I'm in cloud 9 again, after having another attack I was expecting my body to give up. I was out for almost one month because of it, everyone was so scared especially dad.

Mom and I had the same disease, and it's the same disease that killed her. I was only 15 when I was diagnosed, right after mom died. My dad thought that it was the end of the world, I couldn't understand a thing.

"Hey, babe" I look up and saw Jungkook looking down at me. "You okay? You looked worried" he points out, he let's go of my hand and cups my face and squished it with both hands.

"Am fwine" I smiled

"Are you sure?"

I nodded " need to be worried kookie" I smiled

He just nodded "I love you."

Thank you for loving someone who won't be able to stay with you forever. Thank you for giving me the chance to love you and be loved by you even though I can't grow old with you.

"I love you too, so much Jungkook..."

He smiled warmly and kissed my forehead, I leaned in his touch and smiled sadly.

'Can we stay like this forever?'


Jaebum's POV

"Yow!" Jackson greeted, I rolled my eyes and closed my locker meeting his gaze.

"If you're here to bother us, don't even think about it" I said, looking at Namjoon and Yoongi in the process.

"I won't, actually I have some great news!" He smiled

"What is it?" Yoongi frowned

"Jimin's back! It's kinda weird actually, now that I thought about it..." He mutters

"What's weird?" Namjoon tilted his head and listened to Jackson

"That he's back...I mean he hadn't spoken to us, specifically Jungkook for 3 whole week. It was almost a month since he left without saying a word, then POOF here he is walking around the campus like nothing happened!" He exclaimed

He does have a point for once, He hadn't contacted us for almost one month then he's here walking around the campus?

Something is very off...and Yeonwoo must know about this.

"Yeah, now that you said it. It's kind of weird that he's back..." Namjoon sighed

"If your gonna talk to my cousin like that could you please lower it down" I quickly looked at the direction where the voice came from. My legs went weak when I saw Yeonwoo glaring at us.

"Jimin, has some serious issue." Yeonwoo walked towards her locker.

"And what do you mean by some serious issue?" Jackson leaned in one of the lockers.

"Issues that doesn't concern you." She glare.

'Damn, I forgot that my girlfriend is feisty.'

"Don't ever talk to him like that. You don't know what's going on in his life, shut it okay?" Yeonwoo said one last time and glanced at me to "4pm, mall. Don't. Be. Late." And left

A sigh left Yoongi's mouth and looked at us "let's stop talking, act normal."

All of us nodded.

Something is definitely wrong, I can feel it. And I need to ask Yeonwoo about it.




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