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Jimin's Pov

I woke up in a bright room, my eyes adjusted to it, I looked around seeing my dad and lea sitting on the couch sleeping. On the other side of the room was Yeonwoo and Jin-hyung, both sleeping as well.

I looked around, and sighed. Of course, how could I not know about this room. I'm in here half my life, machines attached to me keeping me alive. I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:15 am, I couldn't move. I could feel my hands shaking, I want to remove this oxygen mask of me but I couldn't.

I began to tear up, if only I was healthy. I'm such a burden, Dad and Lea are always there for me. They spoke to different cardiologist all over the world, but they always say the same thing.

'It's your son's decision, we can't force him to do the surgery. It's against our rules.'

I'm slowly dying, and I'm dying alone. I want to live a happy, normal life like everyone else. But, how can I? I don't want to do the surgery, my mom died inside the operating room because of that damn surgery! And won't do it. I couldn't. I don't want to end up laying on the operating room lifeless.

"Jimin?" I heard a voice call out my name, I looked from my side and saw Lea standing up. She walked towards me, and smiled sadly. "You-you were out for 3 days, you scared me...all of us" she began to sob, tears started to fall from my eyes.

3 days? Has it gotten worse?

"so-sorry..." I crocked out, she shook her head as she tucked my hair in my ear. "It's not your fault, none of this is..." She kissed my forehead, she softly woke Jin-hyung up making him groan "call the doctors, tell them that's Jimin's awake." She said as tears fill her eyes.

She sniffed, she held my hands and kissed the back of it. "Jimin, I love you like my own son. I will always love you, please...fight this battle. I know it'll be hard, but we're here for you. All of us, please."

My eyes started to water, I love her. She's like my mother, she comforted me when my mom died. She was the one who prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner for us. She's an amazing woman, seeing her like this hurts me.

The doctor came in making my dad and Yeonwoo wake up from their sleep. He looked at me and immediately checked if I was okay.

"Are you okay?" My dad asked, I nodded talking isn't the best thing for me right now. I couldn't speak, maybe it's because of how weak I am and this oxygen mask isn't helping.

"I-i'm so-rry" I said, barely. My dad began to sob, everyone in the room were the doctor gave us the privacy that we needed. He wiped my tears as shushed me.

"Shh...don't be" he cried "It's okay..." He looked at me with a pained look. "It's not your fault, none of this is." He smiled sadly at me "I'll do everything just to make you healthy again." I just nodded and cried.

I've been seen him cry like that, when we lost mom. He was unstable, the business became a mess. He loved her very much, not even Lea could fix the gap she left. She knows that, that she'll never be as good as mom and she's okay with it. Dad loves her, she loves us back.

The doctor came again with a sad smile, he's a family doctor. "Jimin, have you been taking your medicines?" He asked, I just looked at him, he sighed "Jimin, you have to take them. Yes, it won't miraculously heal but it'll delay any some sort of clotting in your heart. I'll lessen the chest pains" he said in a serious tone. "I suggest that all of should have a medicine kit just for Jimin, incase he didn't bring any or he ran out of it. We should be cautious about his condition, he's not getting healthy because of this."

"You have 5 months to rethink about the surgery, Jimin. Think about it. Please." He said as he left.


Jeongguk's Pov

"I'm confused..." I said, looking at the moon. Everyone's here, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jackson, Jaebum. "Confused about what?" Yoongi looked at me as he drank his beer.

We're drinking at our backyard, it's chilly, perfect. "about everything..."

"Everything?" Namjoon-hyung asked looking at me "Hmm...for example at the hospital. Why was Jimin in the emergency room? Is he sick?" I looked down at my glass. Everyone went silent.

"Jeongguk...just be cautious about your actions with him. He's...he's sensitive" Jackson said "Sensitive? About what?" I asked him.

Jimin? Sensitive? "Look, we don't know what's going on but please if your going to say something that'll hurt him, please don't." Jackson continued "He's already hurt about your situation with him, he's already hurt about your choices" Jackson sighed as he looked at me.

"Gguk, let me as you this. What do you really want? Be with Yugyeom because he's sick or be with Jimin for the rest of your remaining years?" He asked "because you never know when God calls one of you. It's either you or him, you never know. Make your choice worth living for yeah?"

My heart pounded loudly, everyone went silent after hearing Jackson-hyung. "He's right..." Hoseok hyung said in a small voice. "Listen to your heart instead of the guilt your feeling right now...the earlier you accept the better." Hoseok hyung looked at me and held my hands

"Are you ready to lose Jimin?"

"No." I said quickly

"Then why aren't you fighting for him?"

"I-" I don't know, hyung. I don't know.

"What? Gguk?"

"Maybe, I'm scared"

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of him leaving me." I looked at him, tears started to fill my eyes. "What are you talking about–"

"I know that he has CAD."

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