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"私は大丈夫ですヨヌジンはもう薬をくれました," Jimin said for the fourth time, they were currently at the mall looking for bakeshops because it was Mr. Park's birthday.

-I'm fine Yeonwoo, Jin already gave me some medicines.

"うわっ! 久しぶりに日本語を話すのを聞いたことがありません" Yeonwoo laughs.

-wow! I haven't heard you speak Japanese in a long time.

"Jimin? Is that you?" they heard a voice from behind they looked and saw Yugyeom and Jeongguk hand in hand. Yeonwoo glanced at Jimin who had a calm face.

"誰かを平手打ちすべきか教えてくれ" Yeonwoo whispered against Jimin's ear.

-just tell me if I should slap someone.


-I got this.

"Hi Yugyeom," he looked at the Yugyeom with a tight smile, "Hi, Jeongguk" he bowed.

"Jimin, it's finally nice to see you!"

"Hmm, yeah. Me too" Jimin said awkwardly with a tight smile.

"Jeongguk, say hi to Jimin. Don't be rude." Yugyeom elbowed Jeongguk making the other look at Jimin.

"Hi." He waved.

"Hi" Jimin says

"So, uhm. Jimin and I have somewhere else to go...we need to get medicines." Yeonwoo butted in

"Us too! We should all go."

Yeonwoo sighed deeply, letting out her frustration. This is gonna end bad she thought.

"You guys go, we still have to meet Jin-hyung." Jimin says, Yugyeom only nodded

"Y-you're taking your medicines right?" Jeongguk asks.

"I do. I need to stay healthy, I made a promise" With that Jimin bowed and walked away from the scene slowly, Yeonwoo behind him.

"I've finally met him" Yugyeom says as he stared at Jimin's back. "He's pretty"

"He is." Jeongguk didn't leave his eyes on Jimin. "The prettiest..." He whispered but Yugyeom caught that.

"He doesn't deserve someone like you." Yugyeom looks at Jeongguk "Believe me."

"What do you mean by that?" Jeongguk frowned

"I mean, if he really does deserve you. You should be with him not me." 

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