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Jungkook and Jimin walked hand and hand, as they walk towards the school gym. Jimin saw a bunch of people who are gossiping about something, they were all in a circular position. "What are we doing here? We have history." Jimin pointed out looking at Jungkook.

"Shh" Jungkook pushed him, today they were wearing matching shirts that Jungkook bought earlier.

"Why am I always the white one?" Jimin whined

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"Why am I always the white one?" Jimin whined

" 'Cause black doesn't suit you Pork," Jungkook said cooly "Besides, you don't look good in black"

"You basically said the same thing!"

"That was on purpose" Jungkook snickered

"And called me ugly without saying the word 'ugly' "

"Again. It's on purpose." They stopped walking and Jungkook smirked at the scene unfold in front of them. The girls who beat up Jimin yesterday was kneeling in front of them with their hands on their backs and head hung low.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Jaebum, Jackson, Hoseok, and even Yeonwoo was there. Each of them was holding a volleyball, one on each hand. Jimin's eyes grew wide, suddenly Jackson gave Jungkook two volleyballs which the latter caught.

"All of you know that I don't like anyone hurting my sweetheart, I thought that was clear from the start. Yet, here we are, you just had to make him cry." Jungkook said with a deep voice glaring at those girls.
"I would gladly throw this in your face, " he said looking at the ball  "but my sweetheart is the one in charge, it's either my gang throws you these balls or Jimin." He gave the ball, the latter felt quite uneasy.

They didn't even notice that Yugyeom was watching the scene, it broke his heart. Jungkook never did anything like this to him, even when he gets picked on. Jungkook would naturally say 'don't mind them, their just jealous.' Or 'they'll never hurt you, I promise you that.'

"Right in the face Chim!" Yeonwoo cheered

"Punch them!" Hoseok laughs

"Yah! He's still a boy, he can't punch women's" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Have you ever heard about gender equality?" Hoseok scoffed

"Yeah, but---you know what forget it, SLAP THEM!" Namjoon suddenly cheered which made all of them laugh.

Jimin smiled "I don't take revenge, sorry." He slowly placed the ball down and grabbed Jungkook's hands "Let's go, we don't want to be late"

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