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--missing you.

As they bid goodbye Jungkook quickly left, he was about to open Mrs. Han's door when he heard a piano playing from the other room. He got curious and walks towards the room, he opened it to reveal Yugyeom.

He looked beautiful in Jungkook's eyes, as his black hair falls from his face as his eyes closed from the beautiful melody, He was surreal.

Yugyeom opened his eyes and it met Jungkook's doe eyes, "Hey..." He starts

"Hi." Jungkook went inside and stood in front of the beautiful boy he loves.

"I miss you..." Yugyeom stood up, looking at Jungkook's eyes.

'I miss you more...'

Jungkook just nod in response, "how are you?"

Yugyeom was disappointed in all sorts of ways, he thought Jungkook was going to kiss him and come back to him again, yet reality hits him. Hard.

"Fine, how's your relationship?" Yugyeom holds back his tears as he looked down, avoiding any eye contact from the older.

"Great. He's beautiful, loving, and his feisty as well. He's perfect" Jungkook said lovingly, as Yugyeom heart broke into million pieces.

"That's great, I-I'm so happy f-for you!" Yugyeom's lips quivering as he looked at Jungkook who's face was blank.

"Yeah. I'm happy with him." He said as he left Yugyeom heartbroken, Yugyeom couldn't hold it anymore and cried his eyes out. It was too painful for him to do this.


Jungkook sighed, he was hurt seeing him like this. But, he can't do anything. Jimin and he have a deal to get Yugyeom back, but maybe the younger doesn't want them together again.

He sighed and grabbed his bag, running towards the safest place in the school. The rooftop, where he can be all alone without anyone interfering with his mind.

"Why is love like this?" Jungkook mumbled as he felt the cold breeze of wind hits his face.

"Why can't Yugyeom and I be together again?" He sounded desperately hurt, but he couldn't cry. When Yugyeom broke up with him, not a single tear came down from his eyes, but he was indeed hurt.

"I just want my happy ending..."


"Yeonwoo, how many times do I have to tell you?! I. Don't. Like. Jeon!" Jimin groans, banging his head on his desk as he heard Yeonwoo talks about how he and Jungkook look like a real couple.

"I didn't tell you that you like him! I just told you that you both look good together!" Yeonwoo laughs "Soo, you do like him!"

"I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Jimin yelled as the whole class looks at him.

"You don't like Jungkook?" Yeri asks as she looks at Jimin suspiciously.

"Yes!- I mean No! Of course, I like him! I just don't like him wearing..." Jimin looks around to find a good excuse

"You don't like him wearing what?" Mina asks

"Condoms...?" Jimin sighed, he has never been this embarrassed all his life! He hates every single second of this, he wants to strangle Yeonwoo to death until she chokes on her own saliva.

"You don't like Jungkook wearing Condoms?" Mingyu asks Jimin who just nodded shyly.

'This is why I don't agree with this kind of stuff!'

"So you like it raw?" Yeonwoo stifles a laugh.

Jimin nodded as he realized the questions "Y-Yah! Why are we talking about my sex life?!" Jimin stutter as everyone in the whole class laughs.

Yeowoo laughs along with them, Jimin continued to bang his head as his cheeks turn pink.

The laughs and giggle soon disappeared when Mr. Byun placed heavy books on the table, startling everyone.

"So, our topic is about how to use protection properly," Mr. Byun said as everyone looked at Jimin who hid his face with a book.

'I forgot that Mr. Byun is our Sex Ed!'

"Mr. Park Jimin knows how to use protection properly!" One boy said making Jimin blush

"Why is that?" Mr. Byun asks

" 'Cause, He has lots of practice doing it." Another one teased as Mr. Buyn laughs.

'This won't end well and I know it.'


It was their free time and as they walk towards the canteen to get something, Yeonwoo kept laughing at Jimin.

"Hey, guys! Over here!" Hoseok waves his hands as soon as he saw Jimin, Jimin looked at Jungkook and he saw that the taller was already looking at him.


They walked towards the table and he suddenly felt nervous, he was about to seat next to Yeonwoo and Jackson when Jungkook calls out his name.

"Jimin, aren't you going to seat next to me?" He said pouting.

A sigh escaped his lips and sat beside Jungkook.

"Guess what happened on our Sex Ed?" Yeonwoo wiggles her brows as Jimin threw an apple on her. "Yah!"

"What happened?" Jaebum looks at her with adoring eyes.

"Jimin told everyone He doesn't like Jungkook!" She laughs as Jimin squeaks.

Jungkook glared at Jimin "you told them?" He growls, making Jimin look down.

"Yah! There's more!" She laughs even harder, which made everyone looks at her curiously.

"He told everyone He doesn't like Jungkook!" She paused, Jimin closed his eyes, gripping on his hair tightly "Wearing condoms." She said cooly.

After a few seconds, everyone bursts out of fit laughter, including Jungkook.

"Yah! Hahahahahaha!"

"Condoms really Jimin-ah? Hahaha!" Namjoon held his stomach from laughing.

"I didn't know you're into stuff like that!" Yoongi said drying his tears.

"Woah! how could someone say condoms out of all things?! Hahaha," Jackson held his head, laughing loudly.

Yeonwoo and Jaebum just laughed their asses and Jungkook, who was having the time of his life.

"Yeah! Laugh all you can Assholes!" Jimin huffs glaring at them.


Soo... Yeah that happened.

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