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-just one glance.

The next day came and everyone was surprised when Taehyung and Jimin walked together, I t was quite alarming. But, Taehyung didn't give a fuck about what he hears.

He doesn't care about his reputation anymore, his reputation was long gone now. He knows that messing with Jeongguk is not the right thing to do, but he doesn't have a choice.

If he keeps hurting Jimin, the only thing he'll do is to protect the smaller.

"Hey, the school fair's gonna be on the next month. Do you have any plans?" Taehyung asks Jimin, who was clearly zoning out.

"Hmm, I don't think so." Jimin smiled a little.

"Ah. Right your from US right?"

"Actually, when I was a kid I grew up in Japan with my parents but when my mom died when I was 13 or 14 my dad decided that we move."

"Really? I didn't know that"

"I don't talk about that, but with you it's okay I guess. I'm really comfortable with you" Jimin chuckles

"Yeonwoo also grew up in Japan, my uncle. My mom's brother, decided to move back here when my mom died. He said it's the easiest thing he could do to move on"

"You've been through a lot, Jimin."

"Everyone has their own story, Tae. Everyone suffers, so I try my best to understand them even though it pains me" Jimin said as he looked at Jeongguk and Yugyeom smiling.

A hand covered his eyes and whispered against his ear "Then, I'll be here with you even if it hurts me too."

Jimin quickly looked at Taehyung with a shock expression "Tae..."

"I'll be here with you no matter what Jimin-ah. I'll keep you safe, I won't hurt you the way he hurted you." He smiles gently as he gave Jimin a kiss on the forehead making some student gasp, and making Jimin froze.

Jimin smiled "Thank you, Tae."


Jeongguk's POV

As I saw Jimin and Taehyung walking down the hall side by sad, I saw red. We just broke up 2 days ago, how can he move on so easily?

How can Taehyung hurt me the second time? I feel like I've been stabbed with a knife whenever Jimin smiles at Taehyung.

'I used to be the reason of his smile...'

Yugyeom have been talking nonstop, I feel bad because I'm not really interested. As they walked passed us, I prayed.

'Glance at me, Jimin-ah. Please. That means you still love me, just one glance, love. I'll leave Yugyeom to be with you again, please.'

'If you don't, I'll let you go.'

As he walked passed us. My heart sank.

He never glanced.

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