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Taehyung's POV

It's been 3 days, all of us heard that the Park's flew to Japan. Jeongguk didn't come out of his room since then, her sister came home she tried everything to make him eat or just make him come out of his room but none of it worked.

The maids in their house told me that Jeongguk's been drinking for 3 days straight amd it worries them. He isn't usually like this, even I'm worried not only me but also the Hyung's.

They all tried to reach out to the you the but they were all ignored. "Gguk" I knocked on his bedroom door but there was no answer. As usual, I do this everyday almost just to check up on him.

"Gguk, you need to eat" I said gently, Jeongguk's drunk and I don't want to go home with a bruise on my face. Still no answer.

I sighed and looked at the door, I need to use Jimin this time. "Jimin wouldn't want to see you like this, Gguk." There it goes. Send me to heaven if ever I was killed by Jeon Jeongguk, my intentions are pure.

Surprisingly the door opened revealing a smelly, messy Jeongguk. "What do you want?" He said while holding a bottle of beer in his hand "You need to eat," I said looking at him from head to toe "and shower"

"Why are you here?" His face was blank but his eyes were red. I know that he had been crying, I sighed. "Because, I'm worried about you!"

"You love him?" He asked "what?" I asked confused. "You love him? Jimin?" I only stared at him for some time, should I even answer that ridiculous question?

"Answer me." He said sternly "Yes, I do. More than you know it" I confessed

"Shouldn't you worry about him more than me?" He cocked his brow, he has a point. Why am I here?

"Gguk, you love him..." I muttered "and I don't want to take something or someone that's keeping you alive." I looked at him, his expression didn't change I sighed.

"Look, Jimin and I..." What are we? Friends? No label? What? "We're better of as friends, even though...I love him"

"He loves you too." I froze and looked at him with a frown "I saw the way he looks at you...don't be stupid, Kim" he glared at me.

I smiled softly "That maybe true, but he loves you more and both of us know that" his eyes began to water but his lips began to quiver.

"I love him too" his tears began to fall, my heart broke. "I love him too, hyung." I hugged him tightly as my eyes began to sting. I don't like seeing him like this, I rubbed his back. Jeongguk's like a brother to me, and seeing him this weak, hurts me.

"I know...I know that" yes, it might be weird that we're both in love with the same person but doesn't change anything between us. He's still my brother, he still treats me as his hyung so I guess that's okay.

Jimin's POV

"JIMIN-AH!" Jin-hyung yelled from downstairs "YES?" I sat down from my bed and quickly went downstairs "Someone's looking for you" I looked at him confused.

"Huh? Who?"

"Just see it for yourself" he said, I looked at the door seeing Yoongi-hyung with Namjoon-hyung.

"W-what are guys doing here?" I gulp, Namjoon-hyung smiled at me "we wanted to talk" he said calmly "S-sure...come in" I said awkwardly.

They both sat down on the sofa, Jin-hyung left to give us some privacy. I sat down at the opposite side, "You must be confused on why we're here" Yoongi-hyung said as he placed his gloves on the table.


Both chuckled "Jimin, Jeongguk's not doing well." I froze at the spot and looked at him "He's been crying non-stop for 3 days and hasn't come out of his room" Namjoon-hyug sighed.

"We're not guilt tripping you, or anything. But, we're just worried about him. He doesn't respond back to any of us, believe us we tried. Even his sister came home when she heard the news. Because, Jeongguk wouldn't be like this."

"So, you think it's my...fault?" Jimin looked at them with a frown.

"No. That's not what we're both saying. Joon and I wanted to let you know about his condition, Jimin were worried about him and I know that you feel the same way."

I looked down to my lap, staring at it. Yoongi held my hand, I looked up seeing his brown orbs looking directly at me.

"Jimin, come home. Please."

"Isn't it better for me to stay here?"

"'s not."


"We missed you, don't you miss us?"

I smiled sadly "Hyung,"

"It's your call, we won't force you into something you don't want." Namjoon-hyung smiled at me, he stood up alongside with Yoongi-hyung.

"Where are you guys staying?" I looked at them

"Your hotel" Yoongi-hyung smiled at me

They know? I mean, I didn't tell them anything before.

"I hope you have a nice stay"

They only smiled at me as they left.

Home. Where is home?


I'm sleepyyyyyyyyyyyy

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