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School fair.

Jimin's POV

It's currently 7 am, staring at the wall for more than an hour. Thinking. Its been a month since Jeongguk and I broke up, but the memory was still there. I felt tears fall down from my cheeks, I let them flow. I want to be vulnerable just for today, I just want to show what I truly feel. That, everything hurts.

*ring* *ring*

My phone rang. I looked at caller's ID, it was Taehyung. I smiled seeing the name on it.


"Hey, min...are ready for later?"

"Haha I'm kinda nervous"

He chuckled

"Don't be, you just have to be confident and sing your heart out."

"Jeongguk's kinda stupid for backing out" I joked

"He's plain stupid to be honest"

He chuckled again

"Hahaha I need to get ready, Tae. I'll see you later"

"Okay, I'll see you later min"

I hunged up the call and looked at the mirror and smiled softly.

"This will be a good day, Jimin." I said to myself as I stood up and started to get ready. This will be a good day, I think. I mean hopefully something doesn't go wrong or it'll be a whole mess and I don't want that. I want my first school fair here in Korea be happy.

He looked at himself one last time in the mirror and left.


Jimin's phone rang, he's only a block away from the school when Taehyung called him again.


"Jimin? Where are you?"

"I'm almost there, why?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the gate"

"Oh okay! I'm on my way!"

Jimin ended the call as he began to walk faster. He's really nervous about performing, the principal pursue him to sing at the fair since Jeongguk backed out.

He's almost at the gate when he saw a blue hair Taehyung waving at him. What are the odds? He also dyed his hair pink just for today, now they look like walking cotton candies. He smiled widely looking at Taehyung as he waved back, he jogged a little.

"You dyed your hair!" Jimin laughs

"Same goes to you" Taehyung chuckled "This isn't planned right?"

"Not at all!" Jimin giggled. "Let's go? Mr. Bubblegum"

"Let's go, Mr. Cotton candy" Taehyung teased back.

When they entered the university everyone was looking at them, not because of their hair color but their hands being interlocked. They entered the gym, everyone was there.

They saw Jackson and Hoseok setting up there booth, Jimin smiled "Come one, let's go check out Jackson-hyung and Hoseok-hyung's booth" Taehyung didn't even say a word he just let Jimin pull him to where ever.

"Hey!" Hoseok smiled at Jimin "I see you two arrived here together" He saidnas he points at their hands "and you also have the nerve to match hair, okay okay"

"It's not planned" Taehyung says

"Yeah, and I have a pussy" Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Where are the others?" Jimin asked

"They grabbed something to eat" Jackson wiggled his eyes.

"Please, don't do that" Jimin laughs "It's weird"

"HEY! You guys are already here!" They heard someone yelled from behind, Jimin heard that voice before.

"Hyung? What are doing here?" Jimin hugged Jin "Your friend, Namjoon invited me"

"Namjoon-hyung? You know him?"

"Well, yeah. He's kinda my-"

"JIMIN!" Yeonwoo waved at Jimin, she was holding a bag of chips "I thought you wouldn't  come"

"Who told you that?"

"I don't know, my instinct?" Jimin just rolled his eyes

"AND DONE!" Jackson clapped "It's done guys!"

"What's done?"

"Ah! Jeongguk! Just in time. Hi, Yugyeom" Jackson smiled awkwardly as he glanced at Jimin

"Hey" Yugyeom smiled

Jimin just looked away, Taehyung noticed the change of Jimin's expression. He stood by him and rubbed small circles in his back. "You okay?" Jimin just hummed

"WHO WANTS TO TRY?" Hoseok tried to change the atmosphere

"ME! ME! ME!" Jimin smiled brightly at Hoseok who smiled widely at him.

"Ahh! My favorite person!"

"Yah!" Jin tried to pull Jimin away from Hoseok "He can't do physical dares bitch" Jin frowned

"Hey! Stop being a boomer old man"

"He can't do physical—"

"It's okay, hyung." Taehyung just watched Jimin pull something out from the bowl.

Jimin pulled out a pink paper as he reads it loudly "kiss the last person who made you feel love or pay $80" Jimin reads

"Well?" Yoongi raised his brows at Jimin "are you gonna pay?"

Jeongguk's pov

I just stared at Jimin waiting for his answer, it's either he pays or he kisses someone. I glanced at Taehyung who's just staring at Jimin, like his life depends on it.

"So? Are you gonna pay Jimin-ah?" Jackson said in a teasing tone.

"And waste $80? No way" Jimin crumpled the paper and walked staright towards us. Shit. Is he going going to kiss me?

Third Person pov

Jimin crumpled the paper as he began to walk closer to Jeongguk, everyone was looking at him. They're confused as to why's Jimin walking towards Jeongguk.

He was only an inch away from Jeongguk when he said "Excuse me, Gguk" Jeongguk frowned at Jimin


"I said excuse me your blocking my way" Jimin said

Jeongguk looked behind him seeing Taehyung staring at Jimin, he grabbed Yugyeom angrily and left the scene. Meanwhile, Jimin grabbed Taehyung's face as he kissed him softly. Their lips connecting just in seconds.


All of them laughed.

This day will be the happiest day in my remaining life.


I think this will be the longest chapter yet haha ^^ I hope you like it.

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