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-his muse 2.


"You. You're my muse." I said looking directly at his eyes, he scoffed then snickered.

"Me? Your muse?" He pointed at himself then giggled "no-no, I said you have to find a muse to have inspiration dummy"

"I just did, you're my muse" I chuckled "You're going to be my inspiration" I winked as he blushed

"Are you flirting with me? if you are, stop it. I already have a boyfriend" he rolled his eyes

"I'm not flirting with anyone Jimin, I'm here to find a muse. Like you said" I laughed, he pouted a little.

"So does this mean I'll become your private model?" He looked at me as I nodded.

"Yeah, something like that" I chuckled "C'mon, "


"Just come with me okay?"

I didn't know how much I want to befriend Jimin, I mean we've talked but Jungkook's popping everywhere! Jungkook can be so possessive but it got even worse with Jimin, I heard how Jungkook wanted those girls expelled for what they've done.

A sigh left my mouth, Jungkook's a good guy. I've been with him for the last 10 years, we basically grew up together. We know every little secret about ourselves, we're like twins.

But it all change when he met Yugyeom, I'm not saying he's a bad influence but he made Jungkook that way, to be rebellious about everything. I'm glad that he found someone like Jimin, I'm glad he found his own muse to lean on. I'm glad that he found himself an angel.



Today class got canceled due to heavy snow, today was also the day that I'm going to spend it with Jimin. The whole break, just me and him.

I texted him making sure he knows what I'm planning on.


Baby love ❤😳

Me: hey babe,
I thought about something
I just want to let you know.

Baby love ❤😳:
Spill it, I'm actually cooking rn.

Me: you are?

Me: do you want me to come over?
For the whole winter break?

Baby love ❤😳:
It's not a break though, more like suspension. But okay, I'll clean the guest room for yah.

Me: good, now open tf up 'cause I'm freezing :)

Baby love ❤😳:
Really? Wtf? Okay.

I smiled at his message thinking how cute he is. Seconds later the door opened revealing a silver-haired boy with an apron wrapped around his neck.

"Well, someone had a rough time cooking" I chuckled

"One more teasing and I'll make sure. you freeze to death Jeon." He glared at me leaving the front door open, I saw him walking towards the kitchen.

"At least you got my surname right, I'm not Jayon anymore" I laughed out loud as I closed the door behind me.

"Fuck you!" I heard him yell from the kitchen, I placed my bag beside the couch and hang my coat. I walked towards him as I saw him dancing around as his hips swayed. I smiled as I heard him humming, a smile plastered on his face.

I walked closer to him as I placed my hands on his waist as I rest my chin on his shoulder as we swayed together.

"What are you doing Jayon?" I heard him giggle making him smile

"Nothing just admiring my baby" He looked at me with a weird look.

"I'm not a baby though" he frowned

"You're my baby," I said as I looked up at him with a pout. "Don't you want to be my baby?" I pouted even more

He smiled softly "okay, how can I say no to that face?"

"You can never say no to this face baby" I chuckled as he elbowed my stomach, I groan at the pain.

"Don't ever come to me!" He frowned "I'm cooking, don't distract me!"

"Of course my affliction"


Update????? Hihihi

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