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I wake up seeing a head of blonde hair and I smile knowing it's Sam and I wrap my arms around him kissing his head making him move a little continuing to sleep. Honestly I didn't like him more than a friend at first, but then I got confused since I've never liked a boy before.. but when I'm with him I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I dont know if I like him for sure so I didn't stop teasing him so I'll know for sure.. but now I think I might like him more than a friend.
"Colbs?" Sam mumbles tiredly taking me out of my thoughts "yes?" I say with a small smile as he called me that he tiredly smiles at me with his eyes half closed and he cuddles back into me "m tired still" he mumbles cutely I hum holding him tighter "me too" he giggles laying on top of me "sleep longer?" he asks nuzzling his head in my neck making my heart flutter "can't" he whines "it's 11am Sammy the others will be here soon" he groans rolling off of me "5 minutes" he says curling in a ball snuggling into the blankets I coo "alright Sammy" he lets out a happy hum falling back to sleep. I get up with a stretch and go to my closet and change into black jeans and a white shirt after I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and fix my hair. I finally finish and I leave the bathroom and sit on the bed running my fingers through Sam's hair "Sammy get up" he stirs a little then his eyes flutter open "get up Sammy, they'll be here soon" he nods with a small yawn and sits up stretching "I'll be downstairs" he hums and I get up and leave the room. I grab a water and lean on the counter scrolling through my phone "we're here!" Jake yells as they walk through the door "where's Sam?" Tara asks when they walk in the kitchen "my room getting dressed" she nods "you like him, don't you?" Devyn says "I already told you Devyn, I'm confused" she huffs "I mean you got off the game because of him you never get off a game" Corey says "that's true, Jake doesn't even get off for me" Tara says Devyn agreeing and I sigh "I-" I start but stopping when Sam comes down looking him up and down he's in my hoodie that goes mid thigh with fishnets and I look back up meeting his eyes and smile making him blush "Sam!" Devyn yells and grabs his hand dragging him to the living room Tara following "you do know, that he knows what your doing?" Corey says I hum "he yelled at me for it yesterday" I say and they laugh a little "and your still doing it?" Jake says "mhm" I hum taking a drink of my water "you should stop if you don't like him back" Corey says "I do" I say walking to the living room "what!?" they yell following me I chuckle shaking my head "I'm kidding" they huff and we get into the living room and I sit next to Sam "Sam" Tara says then makes a wierd gesture and he rolls his eyes I chuckle lightly and pull out my phone and wrap my arm around him. I feel someone looking at me so I look at Sam and he quickly looks away I smirk and cup his cheek and we look into each other's eyes. Soon my eyes fall to his lips and I drag my thumb over his bottom lip and he blushes and pulls away and I reach for his face again "Colby" Corey says "what?" I say kinda annoyed looking over at him "can we order pizza?" "I don't care" he nods and I look back at Sam cupping his cheek again dragging out his lip and he lets me for a second before pulling away blushing deeply I chuckle he huffs and lays his head on my shoulder and I pull him closer and we watch tv. The doorbell goes off and I get up making Sam whine I chuckle and go to the door and open it seeing its the pizza guy I take the pizza and go back to the living room "Pizzas here" I say putting it on the table they cheer and I grab a slice sitting back down and we eat and watch tv.

I look at Sam as he's cuddled into my side his head on my chest watching tv, my right arm wrapped around his shoulders and I caresse his cheek gently and I scan his face my eyes falling down to his lips again and I bring my other hand up dragging out his bottom lip with my thumb gliding it along his lip he giggles pulling away looking up at me with innocent eyes bitting his lip a little a blush coating his cheek I smile and press a kiss to his forehead making him blush more a small whine escaping his lips and he hugs my side nuzzling his head in my chest and I wrap my arm around his shoulders and he holds my hand "what was that?" Jake asks and I look over to them seeing them looking at me in shock "what was what?" I ask even though I know what they are talking about "what do you mean!? what was that??" Tara asks I shrug leaning back comfortably and Sam goes closer to me I hum softly and run my fingers through his hair.

Stop Being A Tease {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now