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I wake up and furrow my brows as I feel arms wrapped around me and I look up seeing that I'm on top of Colby his arms wrapped around me. I blush and get off of him he groans and his eyes flutter open "s-sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I stutter "it's ok" he says in his deep morning voice and I feel a blush creep onto my face he chuckles and sits up stretching and I watch as his back muscles flex. He gets up and looks over at me "your staring Sammy" he teases making me blush so I cover my face with my hands he chuckles and goes to his closet. He comes out changed into black jeans and a half black half grey hoodie "you can wear some of my clothes since you don't have any" I nod and then he goes downstairs I get up and go into his closet and I look through his clothes and I find a pair of joggers and I put them on and I pull on the strings and tie them so they hug my waist as they are too big after I put on a different hoodie of his and it gives me sweater paws I smile as all I smell is him. I grab my backpack after putting on my shoes and I head downstairs I get into the kitchen and Colby looks up at me and laughs "you look tiny" he says and I giggle "it's comfy" I say and he hums grabbing his keys "let's go" I nod and we go out to his car and he drives to school. He puts his hand on my thigh and I blush and slip my hand under his but he pulls his hand away putting it on my inner thigh but I move it he sighs and puts it back gripping it slightly and I gasp and put his hand in his lap and he groans putting his hand there again squeezing it making me gasp again.

We soon get to school and we get out of his car and we walk inside "you know.." he trails off and I furrow my brows "what?" I say confused "you've still never told me who you like" he says and my eyes go wide "oh.." I say quietly and open my locker "can you tell me now?" he asks with a small smirk on his face I shake my head closing my locker "c'mon, please?" he begs putting his hands on my hips "n-no" I stutter pushing his hands off of me he grabs my hips and pulls me close to him "tell me" he whispers putting his head against mine and I blush deeply "n-n-no" I stutter out looking into his eyes "please Sammy?" he pouts "hey- woahh are we interrupting something?" I hear Jake say and Colby chuckles and pulls away from me "no, your not" Colby says and I stand there my face red from blushing at how close I was to Colby "Sam" Jake says with a chuckle and I look at him and he laughs "you good?" Corey asks "mhm" I hum "you suree?" Tara teases making me blush more and I nod slowly "alright, c'mon Sammy we're gonna be late" Colby says grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers and my eyes go wide looking down at our hands and blushing "have fun bubba" Jake chuckles patting my shoulder and walking away with Corey and Tara and Colby pulls me along with him going to our class. We get to class and we sit down in our normal seats and get out our things "ok class! we have a test today so no talking" the teacher announces and groans go around and she hands out the tests.
"Colby stop" I whisper taking his hand off of my thigh for the third time "I need help" he whispers back I giggle shaking my head "do it yourself" I say going back to my test "Sam please" he begs I sigh and look over "which one?" "number 4" I giggle as he's still on the first page and he groans I giggle and give him the answer going back to my test "thank you" he says putting his hand on my inner thigh and I don't bother moving it knowing he'd put it back and we continue our test him squeezing my thigh once in a while.


I close my locker after putting my stuff away and Colby grabs my hand interlocking my fingers with his I blush and walk with him to lunch. We get to the table after getting our lunch and we sit down "so Sam" Jake says teasingly and I look at him questionably "what?" I ask ignoring the fact Colby put his hand on my thigh "you're wearing Colby's clothes, why?" he asks with a sly smirk and I roll my eyes "I went to his house yesterday and didn't have any clothes" I say "so you-" "no! we didn't Jake!" I say before he could finish and he chuckles "you sure?" I blush "yeah Jake we definitely fucked" Colby says and my eyes go wide "UgH cOlBy FaStEr pLeAsE~" he moans imitating what I would say and I blush embarrassed covering my face as everyone laughs. Colby squeezes my thigh and I whine pushing it off but he puts it back but on my inner thigh and squeezes it and he leans over to me putting his mouth to my ear and moans in it my eyes go wide and I bite my lip "sam~" he moans again and I shut my eyes tight biting my lip harder trying to stop my thoughts from being dirty but soon failing as I think of being under him as he slams into me. "Sam!" everyone says and I jump and look up "w-what?" "you good, you were zoned out for a good 3 minutes" I sigh "yeah I'm fine" they nod and start talking and I look over at Colby and he's looking in my lap and then he looks up at me "what are you excited about?" he asks with a chuckle and I blush embarrassedly since I have a boner "n-nothing" I stutter taking his hand off of my thigh "mhm" he hums "I-im going to th-the bathroom" I stutter and they nod so I get up and run out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom. I go into the stall and lock it and start jacking off.


I chuckle as Sam runs out and I take a drink of water "what's going on between you two?" Devyn asks "what do you mean?" I ask and they all give me the same look "alright, I know he likes me bu-" "about time!" they all yell I chuckle "how do you know?" Tara asks "I over heard Jake and him talking about it" they nod "so what's happening, do you like him back?" Corey asks "nah, I'm just teasing him but he doesn't know that I know" I say "it's kinda funny, but you shouldn't play with his feelings like that" Jake says and we all look at him shocked "hey! I'm not stupid all the time!" he says offensively and we laugh "Jake's right though, it's a little messed up" Corey says "alright I'll tell him soon I wanna keep messing with him for a little longer" "ok, what are you doing?" Tara asks "nothing too bad, but I did just gave him a boner that's why he went to the bathroom" they stare at me for a second then start laughing "how!?" Corey asks as they still laugh "I moaned his name in his ear" they laugh harder. Soon the laughter dies down "so we shouldn't tell him you know?" Devyn asks "no" I say and then stand up "I'll see you guys in class" I say then walk out of the cafeteria and jogging to the bathroom. I open the door and close it softly and than against the wall and I chuckle softly hearing his moans. "C-Colby~" he moans out and my eyes go wide it catching me of guard and it goes silent only his small pants being heard. I hear the lock of the stall being unlocked and I put my phone in my pocket and I look up "have fun?" his eyes go wide "h-hey Colby..." he trails off embarrassed and he goes to the sink washing his hands "don't worry I didn't hear anything" I lie and he looks at me "a-are you sure?" he asks and dries his hands "mhm" I hum pushing myself off the wall "I don't believe you" he mumbles and I go over to him putting my hands on his hips "whys that?" I ask pulling him closer and he blushes "hm?" I hum putting my head against his waiting for his answer "I-i dunno, it seem-seems like you've been stan-standing there for a-awhile" he stutters out I hum "well I just got in here" "oh o-ok" "why, did you want me to hear you?" I ask with a smirk and he blushes deeply "n-no" he stutters I hum and pull away from him going to the door "c'mon we're gonna be late for class" I say opening the door he nods and walks over leaving the bathroom and I slap his butt as I walk out behind him making his breath hitch and his face flush a bright pink I chuckle and grab his hand interlocking our fingers walking to class.


The last bell rings and Sam gets up quickly and runs out of the class "woah what's up with him?" Jake asks as we walk out I chuckle shaking my head "brotherr what are you doing to him?" he asks with a chuckle "nothing" he hums suspiciously "anyway do you wanna hang out at my house?" I ask "yeah, I'll be there later" he says taking out his keys "alright" I say and walk away going to Sam's locker. I lean against the locker by his and he looks at me "wh-what do you want?" he stutters I chuckle "wanna come over? Jake and Corey will be there too" he shakes his head "no I-i have to do s-something" "mhm, and what's that?" he stays silent "right, I'll see you there" I say pushing myself off the locker and slapping his butt before walking out to my car and heading home.

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