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I whine waking up to the pain in my lower back. I look up at Colby seeing he's still asleep "c-colbs" I whimper in attempt to wake him up "Colbs" I whine poking his face "stop" he grumbles tightening his arms around me making me whimper "shush" he mumbles rubbing my lower back, his eyes still closed "Colbsss" I whine "babyyy" he whines tiredly "it hurts!" I exclaims as I try lifting myself off if him but failing miserably. He groans opening his eyes "oh baby" he sighs cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears before they fall "slowly, okay?" I nod "sit up first" I nod and sit up wincing in the process. He places his hands on my hips and I slowly lift up wincing "i-i can't" I whimper "hey, shhh, it's okay baby, you got it" he says slowly lifting me up but I whine tears brimming my eyes "hey, hey" he says bringing a hand up to cup my cheek "it'll be okay, I promise, it'll only hurt for a little.. okay?" he says gently caressing my cheek I nod slowly "okay.." I whisper he hums and sits up himself pressing a kiss to my forehead "slow" he says before I lift up again. I whine shaking my head rapidly "I-i can't" he sighs massaging my lower back gently "I'll do it, okay? I'll go as slow as I can.. I'll lay you in your back, is that okay?" he says I nod "sounds good?" he asks I nod "y-yeah" he hums pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.
He stands up carefully and I wince nuzzling my head in his neck "shhh" he says kissing my shoulder. He slowly lowers me down into the bed hovering over me. He says me flat on my back moving a strand of hair out of my face "tell me when it hurts, okay?" he says gently, leaning down and pecking my lips. He places his hands on my hips and slowly pulls out and I scrunch my face in pain trying not to tell him to stop "st-stop!" I say not able to keep going and he quickly stops "hey baby, look at me" he says gently, grabbing my chin making me look at him "take deep breaths, okay? take my hand and squeeze it to try and take away the pain.. but if that doesn't help tell me to stop again, okay? try going for as long as you can, until I pull out all the way, okay?" he says taking my hand in his "o-okay" he hums and kisses my hand softly, squeezing it after. I nod telling him to go and he starts pulling out slowly and I take deep breaths squeezing his hand hard scrunching my face. He groans as I dig my nails into his hand but doesn't stop I continue whining and whimpering in pain tears rolling down my cheeks "st-stop! please!" I exclaim. He stops and frowns as he sees my tears "baby... I'm sorry" he says "y- FUCK!" I screech in pain as he pulls out fast and I start to sob not able to handle all the pain rushing through me "baby, baby c'mere, I'm so sorry I had too.." he says pulling me into his arms "I'm so, so sorry baby.. I figured it would make the pain stop quicker since going slow wasn't working... I'm so so sorry" he says feeling really bad about it. I cling onto him shoving my face in his chest "I'm so sorry baby..." he mumbles rubbing my lower back gently.

I soon calm down and he holds me tighter "I'm sorry baby" he mumbles quietly "it's okay" I sniffle moving my head so I'm looking at him "are you sure?" he asks his own eyes slightly red and puffy I pout "why were you crying?" I ask cupping his cheeks gently "because I hurt you.. I hate hurting you like that" he says his eyes pricking with tears I pout and pull his face a bit closer pecking his lips "it's okay, Colbs.. I should've listened to you last night when you kept asking if I was sure about doing that.. I should've let you pull out" I say gently caressing his cheek he hums putting his head again mine "I still feel bad" he mumbles "don't" I say pecking his lips he smiles nuzzling his head in my neck and we sit there in silence.

"Colbs?" I mumble and he hums in response "can we go to the pool today?" I ask excitedly he chuckles "sure baby, but can you walk?" he asks pulling away slightly and I shrug and slowly get off his lap and stand up but collapsing, Colby catching me and he chuckles "c-cant walk" I stutter tears brimming my eyes as pain rushes through my back "so sore.." I whimper and in one swift motion I'm pinned to the bed flat on my stomach and I feel Colby pull my cheeks apart "aw poor baby.. so swollen and red" he says before placing a kiss to my hole making me whine "I'll pick your clothes baby" he says I nod and slowly sitting up with a flushed face "aw did I make you flustered baby?" he pouts and I whine covering my face he chuckles pulling my hands away from my face and pecks my lips before going to his own suitcase getting dressed. As he's getting dressed I see myself in the mirror from the corner of my eye so I look over and gasp "Colby!" I yell "what?" he asks putting on his belt "look!" I exclaim pointing at the gigantic hickey on the side of my neck he chuckles "what? do you not like it?" he pouts "no Colby! I don't. I can't hide this!" I exclaim and he frowns "why would you hide it?" he says taking off his shirt bit liking his it went with his jeans and I blush deeply seeing his toned abs, I trail my eyes down seeing his v line disappear into his jeans and I bite my lip "liking the view are we?" Colby smirks leaning over getting close to my face I blush looking away "ah, ah, ah" he says grabbing my chin making me look at him "hm?" he hums the smirk never leaving his face "stop" I say pushing him back gently "just find my outfit, I'm getting cold" he chuckles "alright, fine" he says pecking my lips. He goes over to my suitcase still not putting on a shirt making me whine "what baby? want me to put on a shirt?" he teases not looking at me and I whine "shut uppp" "oh? so you were staring?" he says and I could just see the smirk on his face "you know I was! now shut up!" I exclaim blushing deeply he chuckles turning around "how's this?" he asks showing me the outfit "won't it be hot?" I ask seeing that he chose a long sleeve "well, it's a turtleneck so it'll cover the big ass hickey, and it's thin so you'll be okay" he says with a light chuckle I giggle "okay, but I could use makeup" "baby, that'll be a waste, just wear this you'll be fine" I nod "okay" he hums and sets it in the bed "put the shirt on and I'll out one on, then I'll help you put on the overalls" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead.

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