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We get to Sam's house and we get out of the car and I chuckle as I see him limping "oh shush" he giggles opening the door I hum slapping his butt walking in behind him. We go up to his room and I pick him up making him squeal I chuckle softly and go to the bed and lay him down hovering over him and he eyes me suspiciously. I smile and lean down pecking his lips softly "no Colbs" he giggles when I kiss him again I smile kissing him lovingly and he smiles in it kissing back. He pulls away panting slightly and I trail down to his neck "Colbs no, we did it like an hour ago!" he exclaims pushing me away "and?" I say attaching my lips to his neck again "and the others will be here soon to work on their science projects" he says pushing me away again "fine, fine" I sigh pecking his lips and sit besides him and as soon as I sit the door flies open "we're here!" Jake and Corey yell obnoxiously as everyone comes in and I huff holding Sam close he giggles and looks up at me kissing my jawline "go" he says I groan and get off the bed sitting on the floor by Shea "Aryia sit here, I don't wanna get up" Sam whines patting the spot next to him where I was previously and I eye Aryia as he sits there getting his laptop out as they decided on doing slides for theirs "Colby!" Shea yells getting my attention "huh, what?" I ask looking over at her and she starts talking about what we're gonna do. My eyes travel over to Sam and I watch him with loving eyes getting lost in thought a small smile playing on my lips "damn brother, can you stare any harder?" Jake jokes I hum not really knowing what he said still watching Sam as he focuses on his laptop screen focused on what he's typing a bit of his lip sticking out "Colby!" Shea yells hitting my shoulder making me jump out of my trance "what??" I ask looking at her and she looks over where I was looking and rolls her eyes making me furrow my brows "stop staring at him and listen to me" he says "Aryia!" Sam giggles getting my attention and I look over seeing them laughing quietly and I furrow my brows "Colby!" Shea yells again "right, sorry" I say looking back over and she explains how we're setting up the poster with what goes where. I let out a low protective growl as I hear Aryia flirt with Sam "wanna make him jealous?" Shea asks and I furrow my brows "what do you mean?" I ask confused "Sam.. make him jealous, I believe that's what he's doing right now to you, so wanna do it back?" she says and I chuckle lowly looking back over at Sam and they're whispering to each other "hm, sure" I hum "yes!" she cheers and I look over at her confused "um let's start with flirting first" she says I hum and we start working again flirting occasionally. Shea looks over at me as I reach over her arms for a marker and our faces our close and we make eye contact and she flicks her eyes to my lips making me uncomfortable "your eyes are beautiful" she says I hum "yours are too" I say only for the sake of making Sam jealous since I can see him looking at us from the corner of my eye. She smiles and leans in slowly but I pull away acting like I didn't notice going back to what I was doing on the poster.
I let out another growl as I see Aryia hold Sam's hand interlocking their fingers Sam giggles and lays his head on Aryia's shoulder and I clench my jaw "babe" I furrow my brows and look over at Shea realizing she's talking to me "alright I think we should get going now" Devyn says and the others agree packing up their things I nod slowly and look away from Shea picking up the markers. We get cleaned up and they leave the room Jake pulling me out with him "dude what the fuck was that!?" he whispers yells "what?" I ask "with Shea!" I hum "it was only to make Sam jealous since he was doing the same with Aryia but I don't know why she called me that, I swear I don't like her!" I exclaim "well you better stop because she does like you and she will kiss you when she gets the chance!" Tara says and I furrow my brows "are you sure?" I ask "yes! non stop in the car when we were coming she said it multiple times saying she's gonna try to kiss you while you guys work on the project!" Jake exclaims I nod "ok, ok I won't do that anymore" I say they nod "good, we'll see you later" they say "ok, bye" I say and they walk downstairs, leaving.

I go back into the room and Sam quickly wipes his face I furrow my brows closing the door behind me "baby, are you ok?" I ask sitting infront of him on the bed seeing tears rolling down his cheeks "I'm fine" he mumbles pushing my hands away when I try wiping them I frown and look at him as he continues crying. I raise my brows a small chuckle escaping my lips realizing why he's crying "jealous much?" I say pulling him into my lap "stop" he mumbles pushing me away "baby, I only acted like that with Shea cause you were doing it with Aryia, I promise I don't like her and only want to be with you, but I am now aware she actually does like me but I promise you I don't like her" he sniffles wiping his tears "I-i didn't l-like that" he pouts I hum pecking his lips "well you should've thought about that before doing it with Aryia" he whines a pout playing in his lips tears still rolling down his cheeks. I cup his cheeks and wipe his tears pulling him in a kiss but he pushes me away "no" he huffs I raise my brows "I said no" he says pushing me away again when I try kissing him "baby.." I pout he huffs and get up going into his closet I furrow my brows confused and sit against the headboard waiting for him to come out. Soon he comes out and I bite my lip looking him up and down and he's in a white and blue crop top with matching blue panties. He walks across the room and I keep my eyes fixed on his butt as it bounces with each step he takes. He turns on some music on the speaker and I bite my lip trailing my eyes back up his body and back down to his butt. I get up and go behind him wrapping my arms around his waist "so hot" I whisper in his ear nibbling his ear after he giggles and turns around and I rest my hands on his hips looking him up and down. I lean in to kiss him but he pushes me back with a small giggle walking past me brushing his shoulder against mine I growl slapping his ass "Colbs!" he squeals turning around with his hands on his butt I hum pulling him close by his waist slipping my hands underneath his squeezing his butt and he gasps "Colby!" I yells slapping my chest pushing me away in the process. He crawls into the bed and I slap his butt and he turns around quickly a pout playing on his lips "that one hurt" I hum leaning down and pecking his lips "sorry" I shrug spreading his legs laying in between them pulling out my phone "I love you" I say rubbing his thigh he hums running his fingers through my hair "I love you too Colbs" he says back and I squeeze his thigh his breath hitching and I smirk a little rubbing his thigh again and we talk quietly listening to the music scrolling through our phones. I go on snapchat and go on the camera taking a video and I lip sync the lyrics tilting the camera up to Sam but he's focused on his phone while he mindlessly plays with my hair and I tilt it back down and kiss his inner thigh stopping the recording then posting it on my story smirking when I feel Sam tense when I kissed his thigh.

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