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I get up turning off my alarm and I go to my closet grabbing an outfit and go to the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and get in the shower. I run my hands through my hair getting it wet I grab the shampoo and lather it in my hair then doing the same with the conditioner after I rinse it out.
I sigh contently washing off the soap from my body enjoying the last few minutes of the warm water before having to get out and go to school.
I get out and dry myself and get dressed and fix my hair along with brushing my teeth. I grab my backpack and my keys and head downstairs and to my car. I sigh buckling myself not wanting to go to school having to face another day of Sam ignoring me after a whole week of him doing it. I start the car with a heavy sigh pulling out of my driveway deciding I'd at least try and talk to him today.

I get to school and park my car grabbing my backpack and getting out of my car locking it after. I walk through the school doors going to my locker first exchanging text books. I close my locker and turn around and look across the hall seeing as Sams is over there and Jake walks over and they start talking so I go over to the wall near them leaning against it pulling out my phone pretending to be on it while I listen to what their saying seeing if they'd say anything as to why he's been ignoring me
"why are you being so distant with Colby?" Jake asks and Sam sighs not answering "are you mad at him?" he asks "I don't wanna talk about it" Sam mumbles "you can't ignore him forever" "I know, I just don't wanna talk to him" Sam says making me sigh sadly "I know he shouldn't have said what he said but he doesn't know yet so it's not really his fault" Jake says making me furrow my brows what did I say? I push away my thoughts and continue listening "...you should talk to him" Jake says "I don't want to" I sigh again "Sam it's either you forget about it-" "you know I can't! I-" Sam starts getting frustrated "ok ok you don't have to yell" "but-" he gets cut off by Jake again "if your not going to forget then tell him, tell him you like him" I furrow my brows "I can't tell him that he's gonna hate me!" "Sam it's ruining your friendship with him, so it's either you tell him you like him or you don't tell him and keep ignoring him and lose your best friend" I smirk with a slight chuckle, I listen a bit more just in case I heard it wrong "Jake I can't just tell Colby that I've liked him ever since we met" I smirk, although I don't like him like back I decide I'd tease him a bit.
I push myself off the wall putting my phone in my pocket and I walk up to them "he's coming tell him now" I hear Jake say "wha-" "hey Sammy" I mumble as I wrap my arms around his waist from behind him putting my head in his neck "C-Colby what are you doing?" Sam stutters I hear Jake chuckle "well I'll see you guys later I'm going by Tara" I hum holding Sam tighter "no-" Sam starts sighing after as Jake's walks away anyway. I turn Sam around and he's blushing I smile and pull him in a hug my arms still around his waist "what are y-you doing?" he stutters again I chuckle "I just missed you" I say holding him tighter he giggles and wraps his arms around my neck "I missed you too" he says I smile and pull away putting my hands on his hips and he giggles nervously a blush creeping to his face "can we ac-act like that n-never happened?" he asks stuttering as I start massaging his hips "of course Sammy" he blushes and he pushes my hands off him and quickly walks away "Sam!" I call with a small chuckle catching up to him "why'd you leave?" I ask he shakes his head with a small smile I hum waiting for an answer "just going to class" he mumbles I chuckle lightly and I slip my hand into his he giggles as he blushes and he holds mine back and I smile as his hand fits perfectly into mine and we walk into class Sam taking his hand away from mine when we get to our seats.


I get to lunch and I sit next to Sam as usual "hey guys" I say "hey" they say back I smile softly and I look at Sam as he's just on his phone and he looks up at me and blushes seeing me looking at him and pushes my face away "stop looking at me" he giggles softly I chuckle shaking my head "what's going on with you two?" Jake asks "nothing" Sam says a small blush creeping to his face "yeah ok" Tara says unconvinced and I shake my head with a light chuckle "nothing's going on, he just stopped ignoring me" I say they nod and I place my hand on Sam's knee and talk with the others. I move my hand to his thigh and squeeze it softly and he grabs my hand putting it on my lap and I look over at him to see him looking in his lap fiddling with his fingers as he blushes deeply I smile and slip my hand into his and he looks up at me still blushing and smiles I squeeze his hand and he looks at our hands and messes with the rings on my fingers instead. I take my hand back and he pouts grabbing my hand again I chuckle and take my hand back again and he huffs "I'll be back Sammy" I say and ruffle his hair getting up he giggles with a nod and I grab my tray and dump.


I pout as Colby moves his hand liking how it felt laced with mine, his hands soft and feeling a small tingle when he held mine so I grab it again intertwining our fingers together and he squeezes it gently making butterfly's erupt in my stomach. He pulls it away again and I pout again "I'll be back Sammy" he chuckles ruffling my hair I blush and nod with a small giggle and he walks away with his tray "what was that?" Corey asks "what was what?" I ask nervously and Devyn rolls her eyes "you know what, now what's really going on between you two?" she asks getting a little annoyed "nothing" I say fiddling with my fingers again "Sam just tell us" Tara says "I'm serious there's nothing going on" "yeah sure, then why did Colby hug you like he did in the morning?" Jake asks I shrug "I dunno" I mumble "are y'all dating?" Corey asks "n-no" I stutter "are you sure, your acting like it" Tara says "I'm sure, you guys are acting like he's not straight" I say getting annoyed and they sigh then Colby comes back and pulls out his phone and I pout since he's not going to hold my hand again so I just get up and dump myself.
I come back to the table and sit down and everyone's talking with each other except for Colby whose on his phone still "Colby" I say quietly "yeah?" he asks not looking away from his phone "nevermind" I mumble looking down embarrassed and he hums not really caring. I look up at him again and he has one of his hands in his lap as the other is on the table scrolling through his phone I smile a little and I reach over and slip my hand in his but he moves his hand "Colby" I whisper sadly "what Sam?" "hold my hand" I pout holding his hand again "sam stop" he says taking it away I sigh with a small nod and I look in my lap a small frown playing on my lips.
Soon the bell rings lunch now ending and we get up and I leave the cafeteria with my head down ahead of them going to my locker and I grab my backpack and go to my next class.


It's now the end of the day and I go to my locker exchanging my textbooks for which ones I need and putting them in my bag. I close my locker and turn around to be engulfed in a hug "whats wrong Sammy?" Colby asks I sigh and pull away from him "Sammy?" "nothing" I say he sighs "but you ignored me again after lunch" he says "is it my fault again?" he asks with a small pout and I giggle he smiles a little and pulls me in a hug and I sigh contently melting into the hug "what's wrong Sammy?" he asks softly "nothing it's stupid" I mumble pulling away and he raises his eyebrows I sigh "I-I just wanted to hold your hand again after you dumped" I say quietly and he laughs "see it's stupid" I huff walking away "Sam wait!" he laughs and he catches up to me and stops me from walking "Sammy your blushing!" he laughs "stop" I whine pushing his shoulder back and he chuckles and I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back and into a hug I smile hugging back. We soon pull away and we start walking "can-can we hold hands?" I stutter quietly "no" he says bluntly I nod with a small sigh looking down as we walk. He grabs my hand and leads me to his car "what are you doing?" I ask "your coming over" "oh ok" I say as he lets go of my hand when we get to his car and we get in. He pulls out and puts his hand on my thigh making me blush so instead I slip my hand under his and interlock our fingers and he chuckles shaking his head giving my hand a small squeeze.


He gets to his house and parks the car and we get out of the car and head inside going up to his room. I put my bag down and take off my shoes him doing the same and then he goes to the tv and grabs the controllers and we play video games.
"Sam, Colby dinner!" his mom yells and we pause the game and go downstairs and eat dinner. After dinner we go back up to his room and I sit on his bed getting under the cover and curling in a ball "wanna watch a movie?" Colby asks "sure" I mumble and he turns off the game turning on netflix. He sits down next to me so I sit up too and he puts on a random movie and we watch it. Halfway through the movie I get tired so I lay down with my back facing Colby and I pull the covers over myself "if your going to sleep, you should change" he says "I don't have clothes" I huff not wanting to get up he chuckles and gets up from the bed and I close my eyes just wanting to sleep. "Here" he throws something at me I sigh and sit up seeing one of his hoodies I smile a little and he goes into his closet to change so I get up and change into his hoodie smiling as his scent takes over my senses. I get back into the bed curling in a ball again snuggling into the blankets "can I come out?" he asks "yeah" I mumble closing my eyes and soon there's a dip next to me. I'm half asleep when I feel arms wrap around me not too sure if it's a dream or not so I don't think anything of it. "goodnight Sammy" Colby says as he pulls me closer to him and I blush realising it isn't a dream and I turn around facing him nuzzling my head in his chest he chuckles and pulls my leg over his waist tangling my other leg with his I smile a little and cuddle closer to him too tired to understand what's happening completely. He tightens his grip and rubs my back gently and I soon fall fast asleep.

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