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My eyes flutter open and I sit up whimpering in pain adjusting as I realize Colby's still in me. He groans waking up scrunching his face in pain "s-sorry" I whimper "f-fuck, baby pull out" he groans "it-it hurts" I whine he groans putting his hands on my hips and slowly pulls me off of him. I whine snuggling into his side once he's fully out "it's ok baby" he says gently rubbing my back "i-it hurts" I whine tears welling in my eyes "I know baby, I know" he says rubbing my lower back. I sigh nuzzling my head in his neck "c'mon let's take a shower" I nod and he sits up pulling me with him and standing up and I wrap around him whining "oh I know I'm sorry" he whines back and I giggle "I love you" I mumble into his neck "I love you too baby" he says placing a kiss on my head.
We get into the shower and he sets me down and I hug him nuzzling my head in his chest he hums wrapping his arms around my waist "I love you" I mumble "I love you too baby, so much" I smile and look up at him and he leans down pressing his lips against mine. We pull away and he pecks my lips once more and then switches places with me so he's under the water I pout hugging him when the cold air hits me "it's cold" I whine he chuckles wrapping his arms around my waist "water hogger" I huff he hums pressing a kiss to my head "sorry baby" he says grabbing the shampoo squirting some on my head and rubbing it in I giggle and pucker my lips he smiles and leans down pecking my lips. He grabs the shampoo again "I wanna do it!" I squeak taking it from him he hums and places his hands on my hips I giggle and bring the bottle up and squirt some on his head "woah baby that was a lot" he says "well I can't see" I huff he chuckles and takes the bottle putting it back and I put my hands on his head feeling a lot on his head "oops" I giggle he chuckles and I rub it in his hair getting soapy from the amount I put on "there" I say looking at his face and he's already staring at me I giggle and peck his lips he smiles and pulls me closer connecting our lips for a passionate kiss.


We're cuddling when Colby's phone starts to ring he groans and moves away from me grabbing it off the side table I pout and turn around cuddling into his side laying my head on his chest "but-" he starts getting cut off "alright, fine- ok, ok can he- yes? ok- ok thanks- yeah, bye love you too" he hangs up and sits up "who was that?" I ask crawling in his lap nuzzling my head in his chest "my mom, she wants me home since I've been here for so long" I whine holding him tighter "you can come too baby, just get some clothes" I look up at him and he smiles pecking my lips "my mom probably won't let me" he rolls his eyes "get your things" he says patting my thigh I nod and get up limping to my closet. I slip on some shoes and and grab my bag "I'm ready" I say "alright, let's go" Colby says grabbing his keys and his own bag I nod and follow behind him. We get downstairs and he opens the front door "where are you going?" my mom asks making me jump "oh, um Colby's house" I say turning and facing her "no" she says "please Cindy, we're not going to do anything" Colby says "I said no" she says "please mom?" I beg but she gives me a look "his parents are gonna be there, we won't do anything" I say and she sighs "alright fine, go" "yay! thank you" I cheer Colby chuckles "c'mon baby" he says grabbing my hand "bye mom" I say before leaving.
We soon get to his house and he parks "let's go" I nod and get out of the car and we go inside. We go up to his room and I put my bag down and I turn to Colby and hug him "I love you" I mumble and he hugs me tight "I love you too baby" I smile "so much" he whispers and I hug him tighter. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he lays down on the bed. He turns on his side bringing me with and I nuzzle my head in his neck wrapping my leg over his waist and he tightens his grip around me nuzzling his head in my neck and we just cuddle. Colby's phone starts ringing and he groans holding me tighter I giggle snuggling closer to him "can we take a nap?" I ask when his phone stops ringing "mhm" he hums I smile and close my eyes. I'm almost asleep when Colby's phone starts ringing again and I whine Colby groans and reaches over grabbing his phone "hello?" he says with a tired voice "mhm- wha- why today?- ok.. ok fine- yeah come over- my house- mhm bye" he hangs up and tosses his phone on the bed "who was it?" I mumble snuggling back into him "Jake- well Tara" I hum and he pulls me closer putting his head back in my neck "they're coming over to work on the projects" he says and I sigh "m'kay" I mumble nuzzling my head in his neck.


The door swings open "we're here!" Tara yells and Sam whines moving "shhh it's ok" I whisper in his ear rubbing his back and he falls back to sleep "aww" Tara and Devyn coo I chuckle and slowly move away from him he whines and curls in a ball his face scrunching in pain I chuckle and pull the blanket over him and getting up "can you work by yourself for today?" I ask Aryia "yeah, I have to leave early anyway" I hum "ok, thanks" he nods and I go over to Shea and sit down. Shea lays her head on my shoulder hugging my arm "stop" I say pushing her off of me and she pouts I roll my eyes "work" I say she huffs and grabs a marker "I don't get why you like him anyway" she mumbles under her breath and I roll my eyes ignoring her.
"you seemed bored with him when we came" she says after awhile "he's sleeping" I say in a duh tone "I'd never fall asleep on you like that" she says "well we had a rough night" I say with a smirk looking at Sam "awh I'm sorry" Shea says rubbing my arm not getting what I mean and I brush off her hand "Shea leave him alone he doesn't like you, and he obviously meant him and Sam had sex last night" Aryia says "Aryia!" everyone yells in disgust and I chuckle "that's not what he meant" Shea says anger lacing her voice "mhmm ok Shea" Aryia says going back to work "that's not what you meant" she says "why would you do it with him when you have me?" she says scooting closer to me "I have to go now" Aryia says getting up "ok bye" we say "bye" he says before leaving. Shea moves my arms and tries sitting in my lap but I push her away "stop" I say pulling my hand away when he holds it "I know you like me" she says "nope not even a little" I say rolling my eyes "c'mon, it'll be our little secret" she says grabbing my chin making me look at her "rather not" I say pulling away when she tries kissing me and she groans in annoyance and grabs my shirt pulling me towards her but I push her back harsh "leave me the fuck alone I don't like you and never will" I say with a low tone and she scoffs "you-" she starts "Colbs?" Sam says confused and tired "over here baby" I say yanking my hand back from Shea when she held it again. He sits up and gets out of bed and limps over I chuckle and open my arms and he sits in my lap wrapping his arms and legs around me nuzzling his head in my chest "hey baby" I whisper in his ear rubbing his back "hi" he mumbles looking up at me with his chin on my chest "why you over here?" he asks tiredly "the project baby" he furrows his brows and looks behind him "oh.." he says seeing the poster I chuckle and peck his lips he smiles "where's Aryia?" he asks "he left" he pouts "I didn't help" I hum moving a strand of hair out of his face "it's ok baby, he had to leave early anyway" he nods and nuzzles his head in my chest "can we go back to sleep?" he asks holding me tighter "I can't baby, but you can" he whines "no, we can leave now" Jake says starting to pack up his things "you sure?" I ask "yeah dude it's fine, your both tired anyways, and we had plans to go somewhere" I hum "alright, thanks" I say standing up holding Sam "of course, we'll see you tomorrow" Tara says before they leave and Shea huffs stomping out of the room slamming the door behind her I shake my head and go to the bed. I lay Sam down and he snuggles into the blanket and I pull off my shirt and get in next to him pulling him close "I love you" he mumbles "I love you too baby" I say pulling his leg over my waist. He looks up at me and pecks my lips I smile and kiss him a couple times he giggles and snuggles into me and I hold him tighter slowly drifting off to sleep.

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