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I wake up to knocking at my bedroom door "what!?" I call tiredly and Colby groans holding me tighter I smile snuggling into him "get up! your going to be late for school!" my mom calls "ok!" I call sitting up and I look at Colby shaking him "what?" he groans "get up" I say getting up myself he sighs sitting up stretching and I grab my phone seeing there's 30 minutes until first period starts "we're gonna be late" I say going to my closet he hums getting up and we get dressed. "Let's just skip, we're gonna be late anyway" Colby says putting on his shirt I nod "but I have to leave the house so my mom thinks I'm actually going" he hums and puts his hands on my hips I smile pecking his lips "how about I take you on a date?" he asks I smile hugging him "yeah?" he asks rubbing my back I nod "yeah" I repeat and he kisses the top of my head "alright c'mon" he says pulling away "wait you can't go out there my mom stays here for another hour" I say and he groans "what am I supposed to do then?" he asks "can you go out the window?" I ask and he shrugs going to the window and opening it "yeah I think I can" he says "are you sure?" I ask worried "I'm sure" I nod "don't hurt yourself" I say he nods "I'll be ok baby" I nod and he presses a kiss to my forehead "go, I'll meet you in the car" he says I nod and grab my backpack leaving my room. I go downstairs seeing my mom "Sam hurry your gonna be late to class" she says I nod "ok ok I'm going" I say grabbing a water and my keys "bye!" I call opening the front door "bye!" she calls back and I leave closing the door. I go to my car seeing Colby in the driver's seat I shake my head with a small smile getting in the passenger "see I told you I'll be fine" he says taking the keys starting the car I giggle shaking my head and he pulls out of the driveway putting his hand on my thigh I smile looking out the window. He squeezes my thigh and I look over at him with a small smile "where do you want to go?" he asks glancing at me with a soft smile "it doesn't matter" he hums and grabs my water "hey that's mine" I pout he hums taking a drink of it I huff "I'm thirsty baby" he says with a light chuckle "but that's mine" I pout he hums putting it back in the cup holder "are you a germophobe or something? cause I remember that last night we made out like three times so I don't see the problem here" he says making me blush deeply he chuckles putting his hand on my thigh squeezing it "so, where do you want to go?" he asks again I shrug "your the one who wanted to skip school so you choose" he hums turning to the left "soo where are we going?" I ask and he chuckles "you'll see" I nod and look out the window.

Soon he pulls into a parking lot parking the car and I unbuckle looking out the window seeing we're at a small diner I smile and we get out of the car. We sit at a booth across and look at the menus looking for something to eat. We were talking when the waiter comes up to us "find anything you want?" she asks we nod "I'll have the french toast with a water, and then the pancakes with an orange juice" Colby says ordering for me "ok, it'll be right out" she says taking the menus then walking away "I could've ordered myself" I say and he nods "well I did it for you" I nod "but I'm paying for myself" he chuckles "sure you will" he says and I huff "your not paying I am" he hums and I sigh softly and we talk about other things. The waiter comes back putting our plates infront of us "would you like anything else?" she asks and I sigh since she's only paying attention to Colby "no I'm ok" she nods and walks away and Colby looks back over at me and we start talking and eating. Soon the waiter comes back talking with Colby, more so flirting Colby doing it back making me frown and I look in my lap playing with the hem of my skirt. "You ok baby?" Colby asks and I look up at him "yeah I'm ok" I say he hums with a small smile and he grabs my hand "I love you" he says "I love you too" I whisper he smiles bringing my hand up kissing it and I give him a fake smile and we continue eating.
Colby calls the waiter over and she comes over glaring at me when she sees us holding hands "can we have the check now?" he asks and she nods "of course" she says with a smile and he smiles back looking back at me and she glares at me before she walks away and I sigh "baby you ok?" he asks worriedly "yep" I smile and he sighs probably knowing it was fake "talk to me baby, what's wrong?" he asks worriedly "nothing Colbs, I'm ok" I say and he sighs deeply not believing me "here you go" the waiter says coming back giving Colby the check "thanks" he says opening it looking at how much it is then pulling out his wallet "Colb-" "no" he says cutting me off knowing what I was going to say "here" he says giving her the check back after he puts the money in and I huff crossing my arms "I think your really hot-" "I know you said that already" he says cutting her off and standing up "wait" she says and he looks at her and I get up and Colby grabs my hand and she looks up "here" she says handing him a slip of paper and I look at it too and it has her number on it and I frown he squeezes my hand and crumples the piece of paper "wha-" "I'm not a cheater, and if I was how stupid do you think I am to be doing infront of my boyfriend especially with some slut like you!?" he says annoyed and kinda mad "but I'm way better then him!" she yells and he chuckles "you wish" he says "c'mon baby" he says to me I nod and the girl scoffs "no! your supposed to be with me!" she exclaims and Colby turns to me and cups my cheeks smashing his lips against mine I smile in it kissing him back grabbing onto his wrists she scoffs walking away and Colby pulls away and grabs my hand and we go out to my car. He pulls out of the parking lot and he puts his hand on my thigh "what do you want to do now?" he asks "something fun" I say "like?" I shrug he chuckles "how about an arcade?" he asks I nod "ok" he hums and turns on some music.

Stop Being A Tease {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now