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The bell rings signaling it's time for lunch and we pack our things and walk out of the class and I walk infront of Colby swinging my hips. I get to my locker opening it and I feel arms snake around my waist "your so beautiful baby" Colby whispers in my ear I giggle putting my backpack in my locker and closing it. I turn in his arms and he puts his head on mine and I peck his lips quickly and he chuckles "c'mon let's get to lunch" he says grabbing my hand and we walk to the cafeteria hand in hand.
We sit at the table after we get our food and we're the only ones here. I turn and face Colby my legs on either side on the bench and he looks at me and turns facing me mirroring my position and I look at him "what are you thinking about?" Colby asks "nothing" I mumble he hums and pulls me to him by my legs wrapping my legs around his waist I giggle wrapping my arms around his torso hugging him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I look up at him with my chin on his chest and he cups my cheek caressing it "beautiful" he whispers making me blush "just date already" I jump at the sudden voice and look over seeing the others sitting down "yeah, y'all would be cute" Corey says making me blush and I sit normally Colby doing the same "so..?" Tara says "no" Colby says bluntly putting his hand on my thigh "seriously?" Jake says "mhm" Colby hums "so you wouldn't date him?" Tara asks and Colby looks at me "no" he says winking at me making me blush and he smirks looking away from me and I look in my lap blushing deeply "Sam.." Tara trails off I hum looking up and she looks at me confused "w-what?" I ask Colby chuckles squeezing my thigh then rubbing it making me blush more "are you ok?" she asks confused "mhm" I hum "are you sure?" Devyn asks "yes, why wouldn't I be?" I say getting a little annoyed "well he just-" "I don't care" I say cutting her off and Colby squeezes my thigh again rubbing it "calm down" he whispers "yeah, ok" Jake says not believing me and Colby squeezes my thigh again and I let out a small breath "I'm serious" I say smiling a little when Colby grabs my hand interlocking our fingers "alright" Jake sighs and me and Colby talk amongst ourselves as they talk to each other.


"let's go baby" Colby says grabbing my hand walking to the doors "Colbs I'm going home today" I tell him and he sighs and continues walking. He stops at my car and turns facing me "bye baby" he says wrapping his arms around my waist hugging me I hum wrapping my arms around his neck "bye Colbs" I say and he moves away a little so that we're looking at each other and he pecks my lips making me smile "can I come over later?" he asks "hm, I'll have to ask" I hum gently and he groans "your parents are strict though" he complains I giggle "I'll try convincing them" he hums "what's happening?" we look over to see the others over here "nothing, just asking if I could come over" Colby says "mhmm" Corey hums suspiciously and Colby chuckles and I move my arms so they're around his torso hugging him with my head on his chest looking at the others "well can we come over too?" Tara asks "his parents are probably gonna say no" Colby says obviously not wanting them to come "oh c'mon can we please come?" Devyn asks "I have to ask" I say and Colby sighs a softly "alright, I have to go" he says patting my butt gently I hum and pull away from him "bye guys, see you later" he says walking to his car "we're coming over whether you like it or not" Tara says "like I said I still have to ask" "you know they're only strict if it's with Colby cause they know you like him, so we'll be over in a little" Jake says and I huff "fine" I grumble unlocking my car "great, we'll see you later!" Devyn calls as they walk away I hum getting in my car and driving home.

I get out of my car and head inside "Samuel where have you been!?" my mom asks angered "at Colbys" I say walking into the kitchen "why didn't you tell me?" "I did you said I could" I say grabbing a water "remember I told you on Friday after school you said 'ok have fun'" I say taking a drink and she huffs "were your other friends there?" I nod "not the whole time" "whatever, go do your homework" she says kinda mad "we didn't do anything mom, I've told you before that he doesn't like me back" she sighs "I don't care, just go do your homework" I sigh getting off the counter "oh! can my friends come over later?" I ask "is it Colby?" she asks "well yeah, and the others" "as long as it's not just Colby" I nod "ok, thanks" I say before walking up to my room. I sit down pulling out my phone texting Colby that he can come over and I kick off my shoes and lay down turning on netflix soon my phone dings and I grab it and it's Colby saying he's gonna be here soon I smile a little and put my phone down watching netflix.
I hear my door open and I look over seeing Colby "hey baby" he says taking off his shoes "hi" I smile sitting up a little and he comes over laying in between my legs nuzzling his head in my stomach "you ok?" I ask he hums moving my legs so they're around him I smile softly running my fingers through his hair "how'd you get them to agree?" Colby asks looking up at me and I sigh making him furrow his brows "I had to invite the others" I say and he huffs "they'd rather have five more people here rather then one?" he asks annoyed "I'm sorry" I say "your parents are stupid" he grumbles putting his face back in my stomach I giggle "they aren't that strict-" "yes they are!" he exclaims cutting me off "they're only strict when it comes to you" I say running my fingers through his hair again "why!?" he asks annoyed looking up at me "cause they know I like you, they're always like that even if they think I like the person, like with Jake when we got close and always hung out they thought I liked him and didn't believe me when I said I didn't until he started dating Tara same happened with Kat" I explain and he groans and moves besides me laying down and I lay on top of him "have you told them I don't like you?" he asks "even if I do" he adds pecking my lips I smile "I have but they think if we spend time together alone long enough you'd end up liking me" he hums "look where we are now" he says with a light chuckle pecking my lips I giggle. "so if we told them we're dating what will happen?" he asks "they'll let you come over and they'll be strict but then won't mind what we do after a bit" he hums cupping my cheek caressing it "they make no sense" he says I giggle "I never understood it either" he chuckles and presses a kiss to my forehead and we cuddle watching netflix. I hear the door open then a frustrated groan I look over seeing my mom with a disappointed look on her face "what?" I ask confused and she gives me the look "they should be here soon mom" I say knowing why she's looking at me like that "ok, when did he get here?" she asks and I look up at Colby "like 20 minutes ago" he says I smile at him looking back at her "whatever" she grumbles leaving the room I giggle looking up at Colby and he smiles at me pecking my lips holding me tighter.

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