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I wake up and I go to cuddle into Colby but I don't feel him I furrow my brows and open my eyes seeing that he isn't in bed I sit up rubbing my eyes "Colbs?" I say getting no response I sigh and grab my phone checking the time 6:30am I sigh and put it down and get up going downstairs. "Colbs?" I call then seeing that girl from the mall walking out I furrow my brows and go into the kitchen seeing him in there "oh hey Sam" he says glancing at me then back at the stove as he's making food "was it a dream?" I ask myself "was what a dream?" he asks overhearing "uh nothing" I mumble "hm?" he hums questionably and I sigh "d-did that girl come over yesterday?" I ask "mhm" he hums "what happened?" I ask "you beat the fuck out of her" he says and I nod "so it wasn't a dream?" he shakes his head and I let out a sigh of relief "why? did you want to beat her up?" he asks "no- I asked to make sure we were actually dating" I say and he looks at me for a second and chuckles "we're not, that part was a dream" he says and my face drops "what?" he hums "after you beat her up I took her home and helped her clean up" he says "and then I stayed the night and in the morning she drove me back that's why she was here" he says and tears well in my eyes "oh.. o-ok" I stutter holding them back "you ok?" he asks "yea-" I cut myself with a sob bursting into tears "nonono don't cry Sam" he says putting down his plate rushing over to me and hugging me but I push him away "hey, don't cry please" he says cupping my cheeks but I push them away "stop" he says pulling closer to him "Sammy, baby I was joking we're dating I promise" he says wiping my tears "b-but-" I cut myself off with a sob and he pulls me in a hug "I'm sorry Sammy, I didn't mean to make you cry" he says rubbing my back. I soon calm down and I pull away from the hug and he cups my cheeks wiping the tears "so we-we are dating?" he chuckles "yes, I woke up this morning to her calling me because she left her jacket here that's the reason why she was here, and I turned off your alarm so you can sleep in while I made us breakfast we're together I promise" he explains pressing a kiss to my forehead after I huff and push him away "jerk" I grumble and he laughs "I'm sorry baby I thought it was funny I didn't think you'd believe it" I huff crossing my arms "it wasn't funny" I mumble "mhmm" I glare at him and he smiles "go get ready" he says lifting my chin pecking my lips and I blush he smiles and kisses me again "go" I nod and run off back up to his room. I grab my bag and grab the last outfit I brought and I blush since it's kinda revealing and the skirt is short but I put it on anyway. I finish changing and I grab my phone my backpack as well. I head back downstairs and I go to the kitchen putting my backpack down "here ba-" he stops when he turns around and looks me up and down I giggle and take the plate of food from him "thanks" I say walking to the table "mhm" he hums and I sit down and eat Colby sitting down seconds later "are you sure you wanna wear that to school?" he asks "mhm" I hum "oh.. ok" he mumbles and I furrow my brows "why, do you not like it?" I ask confused on why he reacted like he did "no, I do like it Sammy" I nod "then why'd you ask?" he shrugs and continues eating.
We finish eating and we put our dishes in the sink and grab our backpacks and I grab my own keys "your not coming with me?" he asks a little upset "no, I'm gonna go home today" he nods "alright, I'll see you at school then" he says pecking my lips I smile and we leave the house I close the door behind me and I turn around and Colby grabs onto my belt and pulls me to him pecking my lips a couple times "I'll see you later baby" he says against my lips before kissing me once more "bye" he says slapping my butt gently pecking my lips once more before going to his car and I stand there for a second blushing deeply. I go to my car and get in and pulling out of the driveway going to school.

I get out of my car and head inside the school going to my locker I unlock it and grab my needed things "Sam!" I look over seeing the others "hi" I smile "are you ok?" Tara asks and I furrow my brows "why wouldn't I be?" I ask "because of yesterday, with Colby and that girl" "oh, yeah I'm ok" "are you sure, you seemed really upset" Devyn asks "yes I'm sure, we-" "we made up" Colby says cutting me off grabbing my hand when he gets here and I look at him and he looks back at me with a pleading look knowing what he means I give him a small smile looking back at the others and he squeezes my hand as a way of saying 'thank you'. I see Jake glare at Colby and he grabs my other hand pulling me away from him our hands detaching "Jake!" I squeak in surprise "why'd you do that?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes "dude what's your problem?" Colby asks kinda mad "Colby go" Jake says mad and I look at him confused "go!" he yells "whatever, see you later Sammy" he says slapping my butt as he walks past me. I yank my hand from Jake's crossing my arms "bubba.." he trails off "no don't 'bubba' me why'd you do that!?" I yell "he's just using you Sam!" he yells back "no he's not!" "all he's doing is teasing you for his entertainment!" "ok and? at least he didn't leave me thinking I'm some freak cause I like him! why is it such a big deal to you anyway? he's not doing it to you!" I yell upset and he sighs rubbing his face "I'm just trying to protect you" he says more calm "well stop" I say walking away "where are you going?" he asks grabbing my arm stopping me "finding Colby" I mumble "no, your staying" he says and I groan "then let go to class" I say pulling my arm away walking away "Sam!" he calls but I keep walking. "Sam!" I look besides me to see Tara "what?" I mumble "he's just trying to help" "with what? there's nothing to 'help' with" I say using air quotes and she sighs "we're just trying to get him to stop teasing you he shouldn't have done it in the first place all he's doing is hurting you" I roll my eyes "he's not hurting me" "yes he is we all know it is, you walked off yesterday saying nothing about to cry Sam, he's hurting you" "he's not though-" "yes he is! don't you get it Sam all he's doing is breaking your heart it's only making you attached more!" "you guys are the ones who don't get it" I say walking into my class "yes we do! your the one who doesn't!" she says following me in "Sammy" Colby says with a smile getting out of his seat and hugging me "hi Colby" I smile hugging him back and he kisses my head making me blush "Sam.." Tara says seriously "Tara leave me alone" "but he-" "no Tara, he's not" "fine, but don't say we didn't warn you" she says then leaving the class going to hers "what's happening?" Colby asks sitting down and pulling me in his lap "they think your teasing me still" I say "I am" he says pecking my lips and I pout "hey, I'm not going to stop teasing you" I huff "but they're mad at you for doing it, and don't want me to be by you so you'll have to stop" I explain "and since you don't want to tell them we're dating you have to stop" I say after he hums pressing a kiss to my forehead "so you'll stop?" I ask and he chuckles "nope" I huff and get off his lap sitting in a separate chair "then I'm still doing it too" "hm, I'll only do it back much worse baby" he says putting his hand on my inner thigh "well.. I'll do it back worse than what you did!" I say and he chuckles "sure you will baby, sure you will" I glare at him "cute" "it's not cute!" I huff crossing my arms "but it is" he says lifting my chin "it's supposed to be intimidating!" he smiles and kisses me gently "stop" I whine "hm?" he hums "I will tease you back worse" I say and he chuckles "you sure?" "mhm! your not gonna like what I do to you!" I say confidently "and what are you gonna do?" "I- no! I'm not telling you" I say "fair enough" he says and grabs my chin again "but just know your not gonna like what I do to you" he whispers against my lips and I try to kiss him but he pulls back and I follow his lips and he chuckles dragging my bottom lip out with his thumb "I wanna kiss" I whine he chuckles and leans in so I do too and he stops right before our lips touch "should I?" he says his lips brushing against mine slightly and I whine going to kiss him but he pulls away I whine crossing my arms pouting "I guess you'll have to tease me back worse" he whispers in my ear putting his hand on my thigh and I huff "only if you can" he adds and I look at him "I can!" "mhmm" I glare at him and he smiles poking my nose and I slap his hand "it's coming and your not gonna like it!" I say "is that so?" "mhm! your gonna wish you listened to me and stopped teasing me when you had the chance" I say he raises his brows "is that a threat?" "yep" "hm, I'm not scared" "well you should" "if you say so" he says kisses my temple and patting my leg then the teacher walks in and I sigh deeply since I have no idea what I'm going to do to tease him.

Stop Being A Tease {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now