Chapter Eight

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Harry sat there staring at the text. The bright light from the phone reflecting off of Harry's green marble-like eyes. He had hoped to not have to talk to or see Louis for awhile. He was embarrassed. Harry's cheeks lost their tan color and were soon replaced with a flushed pink. He reread the text multiple times. His eyes glaring back and forth rereading the text message, trying to fully understand. He didn't know how Louis even got Harry's number. He didn't want to talk to him. He was anxious. His thoughts fed his brain and corrupted his heart. Harry's heart was secretly happy that Louis wanted to talk to him. To Harry. He would've thought Louis would have ran for the hills by now. Louis probably thought he was weird, or something. What would Louis even want to talk about? About schoolwork? About what happened the other day?

Oh god I hope not.

Harry slowly comes out of his trance noticing the phone on the floor. He must have dropped it or the phone may have slipped. Harry carefully bent down to pick it up. He walked to his bed and sat down, his weight dragging down the mattress, creating a sort of dent. Harry's breathing began to return to a regular pace. He unlocked the phone staring once again at the message.

Unknown Number- hey. it's louis tomlinson from school. can we talk?

Harry added his contact into his phone.

Louis Tomlinson- hey. it's louis tomlinson from school. can we talk?


Harry decided it was best to get over this. He needed to face whatever was holding him back. He needed to reply. It wouldn't cause him any harm after all.

Harry Styles- Hi Louis Tomlinson. It's Harry Styles, well you probably know that since your texting me. What do you need to talk about?

Louis Tomlinson- please. call me louis. :)

Harry- Okay, Louis.

Louis- do you have time for a call?

Harry took a glance at his clock. It was only 10pm. He decided to get this call over with, despite the rush of anxiety filling his body. His brain hurt, as if it contracted. He was concerned about what Louis was going to say. A second later, Harry's heart fluttered, happy at the fact he was going to hear Louis' voice. Harry would never admit it though. He quickly typed a response not wanting to leave the other boy waiting.

Harry- Sure.

About two minutes later Harry's phone lit up, and his ringtone filled the room. Louis' contact appeared on the screen. Harry hesitated.

Don't. Don't answer. He hates you.

"Fuck off," Harry muttered to himself before accepting the call and placing the phone to his ear.

"Hi Harry," a voice spoke on the other line.

His voice was calm and soothing. Harry however, became more anxious at the sound.

"H-hello," he choked out.

"Are you okay? I meant to call earlier but Niall took forever to give me your number and I didn't want to bother you and I'm ranting now so I'll shut up," Louis stopped.

"I," Harry paused. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"What happened anyways?"

Harry instantly felt something stop in his throat, stopping him from answering. He didn't want to explain this to Louis. Especially since he activated it. Harry's cheeks transferred from a pink to a sudden glowing red.

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