Chapter Nine

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A/N: this will help for later in the chapter^
-also it's a long chapter so enjoy!!

The sun shone, lighting up Harry Styles' bedroom with a bright yellow hue. The sky was clear of clouds, revealing a gorgeous ball of fire in the air. Little amounts of wind made the plants jiggle and sway. It was a vibrant Thursday morning in Doncaster. Thursday's mean school.

He sat up in his bed, breathing quite rapidly. Harry's hand began to uncontrollably shake.

no. please not now.

Harry shut his eyes, scrunching his face. He collapsed back into his pillows, then bringing them over his head. He needed a distraction. He picked up his phone. He needed to call Liam. As he unlocked his phone, Harry lost feeling in his fingers. He couldn't control them any longer. They had their own mind at this point. Harry's breaths came in quicker and shorter waves. He could feel his heartbeat through his chest. It was rapid and skipping beats.

fucks sake!

Without realizing it, Harry managed to throw his phone at the wall opposing his bed. He began to tug at his hair. Tears flew down his face. Harry stood up and ripped the sheets off of his mattress. He then wiped everything off of his desk, causing it to fall and shatter on the hard wooden floors. He held his head up with his left hand as his right struggled to keep him standing. Harry's legs were now losing feeling. He fell once again hitting his head on the floor. He was uncontrollably sobbing and was pulling so hard at his hair, it felt as if it would come out. He laid there curled up on the floor, waiting for this attack to pass. He just needed to hold on for a little while longer.

Harry always wished there was someone with him when these types of things happened. He just needed a hug.

After this wave passed, Harry stood up and went straight into his bathroom. He stood there looking at this gash across his cheekbone from hitting the floor. Harry reached for some alcohol wipes and cleaned it up. His cheeks and under eyes were swollen due to his crying. He splashed his face with water to calm the sensitive skin. Harry then brushed his teeth and used some deodorant. Opening the medicine cabinet, Harry spotted the soft wrapping. He pulled it out and delicately wrapped it around his arms.

Next, Harry walked back into his bedroom and picked up everything he managed to throw on the ground. He threw his sheets back onto his bed, and threw away the shards of glass on his floor. Harry went to the other side of the room and slowly picked up his phone, relieved to see it wasn't shattered, besides a small scratch on the corner. It was quarter past eight. He started school at 8:30.

He yanked his closet doors open, staring at the clothing falling from their hangers. He grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, squeezing into them. He grabbed a black t-shirt and threw it on, as well as a blue and black flannel. He left the flannel unbuttoned as he always did. He finalized his look with a pair of black vans.

Harry calmly twisted the cold handle of his door and walked through into the hallway. His mother must have been asleep, as there was no noise coming from the floor below. Harry strolled down the stairs while holding onto the railing. He didn't bother grabbing anything to eat and instead picked up his backpack and car keys. He headed out the front door, careful not to wake up his mother, and locked it behind him. In front of him was his car and he climbed into the drivers seat. He placed the keys in the ignition.

great way to start my day. thanks a lot you shitty panic attacks. anyways, let's just get this fucking day over with.

The boy then focused back on driving himself to school. He couldn't wait for this day to be over with.

As he pulled into his regular parking spot in the front of the school, he noticed Niall and Liam walking into the school together.

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