Chapter Two

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Harry walked quite quickly to the library avoiding any eye contact with others. Liam was already seated in their usual seats. The brunette looked up as he heard the library doors shut.

"Hey mate," he said ruffling the curly lads hair.

Harry didn't reply. He didn't feel like speaking after that exchange. He was conflicted with himself. Why did he do that? Why didn't he let Zayn do what he was going to do? Harry just sat down staring at the ground between his legs. Liam noticed the lad's discomfort. He was concerned for his friend.

After about a minute or two of silence with Harry never looking up, Liam spoke:

"Haz, what's wrong?"

Harry shook his head. He wasn't in a mood to talk.

"Harry, speak."

He can't.

Liam fixed his position now facing the boy. He needed to know what had Harry so uncomfortable.


Harry was hesitant but eventually caved and decided to explain.

"Oh my."

"Yeah," Harry said still in shock about what happened.

Liam pulled Harry close to his chest.

"I'm proud of you. For fighting back. I know how hard that must've been. I'm so sorry."

Harry just nodded and closed his eyes. All he needed right now was the comfort of his best friend.


Harry opened the front door and bolted to his room without saying a word to his mother.

All he could think about for the rest of the day was the fact that he shouldn't have punched Zayn. He deserved whatever Zayn was going to do. He was worthless. Zayn was right about everything. His brain didn't want to stop torturing Harry with the replaying of this. It was like his body was against him.

Quickly after, the bedroom door flew open as Anne stood there looking at her son. A tear flew down his face hitting the sheet of the bed. Harry didn't even realize the drop. He was too busy fighting with his mind.

Anne walked over to Harry, pulling him into her arms. She wiped his cheek and hugged him.

"It's okay, honey," she whispered.

Harry continued to dig his head into his mother's chest as he nodded.

"I love you, Hazza," she said before kissing his head.

Harry was now calmer. His mother never failed to help calm his mind or steady his thoughts. Harry's heartbeat returned to normal as his mother began to speak again.

"What happened?"

"I..," he pulled away, looking straight into his mother's eyes.

Harry took a deep breath.


His mother questioned, "Malik?"

"The one and only."

Anne looked confused. Why would Zayn be talking to her son after all this time? She did not like the boy, and had every reason not to.

"Zayn he uh. uhm. He.. well he.. he pushed me against the..lock.l..lockers and e-ended up..punching me." He muttered between breaths and sobs.

"Oh honey," Anne pulled him in hugging her son tightly.

She comforted him and stroke his curls. Soon enough, Harry's mind grew silent and he fell asleep in his mother's arms.


The silence was excruciating. It was loud. It was everywhere. Even the sounds of Harry's footsteps were unheard. The sounds of cars passing by were unheard. The sounds of the wind were unheard.

A voice he knows too well ripped Harry's attention from his phone to behind himself. "Harry."

shit. this can't be happening. not now.

"Zayn." he mumbled.

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