Chapter Fifteen

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July 23rd 2008
I started receiving panic attacks. They always seem to come out of the blue. Sometimes I don't even know the reason they start. Liam found out about what the "voice" is making me do and he blamed Zayn. It's been months since Liam or I have said a single word to him. He acts like nothing happened and he never knew Liam and I. What an asshole.
It's been getting worse. They've stopped making me.. and instead gave me worse things. That's why the count hasn't increased as much. I've began to close myself off from my family more. I can't risk letting anything slip. It would break them.


"I like you too," Harry said between breaths.

Louis smiled wide and kissed Harry once again.

"So it's mutual."

"Damn right it is," Harry replied.

"This might be too soon but Harry Edward Styles, will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry pulled Louis into another kiss, "Of course I'll be your boyfriend, Louis William Tomlinson."

Harry then pulled Louis into a hug, nuzzling his face into the older boy's neck. Their hearts jumping for joy.

"Wait, what are we going to tell the lads? Or our families?" Louis whispered.

"Oh," Harry's smile dropped and he pulled out of the hug. "I think we should wait. Just a little while longer. I don't want to rush this."

"Id like that," the blue eyed boy pulled out his phone, glancing at the time. "We should get going to class. I'll see you, boyfriend," he smirked.

"I'll miss you, boyfriend," Harry returned the smirk.

With that, the boys parted going their separate ways, both with the biggest grin plastered on their faces.


two weeks later

My Lou💙- mum was wondering if you, gem, and anne would come over for dinner tonight around 7

My Hazza💚- That's perfect. I'll let them know.

My Lou💙- also, maybe we should tell them

My Hazza💚- About us?

My Lou💙- only if you want to, baby

My Hazza💚- I want to. I really do.

My Lou💙- fantastic! see you at 7 hazzy x

My Hazza💚- See you then, Loubear. x

Seven o'clock came quicker than expected. Anne, Gemma and Harry all stood at the entrance to the Tomlinson family home.

"Hello Anne! Gemma. Harry. Nice you see you all!" Louis' mother, Jay, exclaimed as soon as she threw the front door open.

"Hi Jay!" Anne pulled Jay into a hug.

"Oh Harry, Louis is in his room and Gemma, Lottie and the girls are in the backyard," Jay explained.

"Thank you, Jay," Harry nodded as he ran into the house and dashed up the stairs, heading straight towards his boyfriend's room.

"Haz!" Louis ran up to the younger boy holding him tightly in a hug.

"Hey Boobear," Harry stated then pulled back out of the hug and kissed Louis' lips.

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