Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: uploaded today as promised😊.

how's everyone doing? what have y'all been up to? any questions for me? (i will answer them)

November 30th, 2008
Why does this man have so much power and control over me? It's been 11 months since it started. My grades have lowered, although I continue to make sure I turn in my homework. I have to turn it in because I promised. I promised my father. You see, my dad and I were very close. He would always sit down with me and helped me with the work. We would play pranks on mom, have laughs, say some jokes, and just talk. It was fun. Now I do it for him. I do it because it makes me feel closer to him and I feel guilty if I don't. Does that make sense? I hope it does or else I might be crazy.

I miss you, Dad.
-count: 144


" have to fight for him."

Louis stood at the front door to the Styles' family home. He could swear the entire neighborhood could sense his nervousness. He was so afraid of being rejected..again. All he could think about for the past few days was Harry. Harry this, Harry that. He emotions were all over the place. He was mad at Harry, confused, love. Now as he stands facing the door, he realizes how scared he is. He doesn't want to be pushed away or face the reality that him and Harry are over.

He raised his arm up in a trembling manner. Slowly and weakly, Louis hit his knuckles against the wooden door. After his knocks, a minute of silence passed before the sound of the doorknob clicking was heard.

Anne looked relieved to see the familiar boy.

"Hello Anne."

"Louis. Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you as well," he give her a smile.

"What can I help you with, darling?"

"I need to speak with Harry."

"I- I," she contemplates lying and saying he isn't home to honor her sons wish or letting him in, hoping he will fix her baby. "Okay. He's in his room. I advise knocking."

"Thank you so much," she nods as Louis enters the cozy home.

He takes deep breaths as he walks up the stairs and his legs lead him in front of Harry's bedroom door.

just do it.

He knocks twice.

"Go away mom!" a voice from inside shouts.

"I- Harry, it's Louis."

A moment later the door flings open to reveal Harry. His eyes were bloodshot and red. He had tear stained cheeks, messy tangled hair, and the look of anger yet relief in his eyes. His room was messy and dark.

"Hi," he mutters.

"Oh Haz," Louis pulls Harry into a tight hug.

"St-Stop," Harry croaks and Louis pulls away with a confused expression.

"Sorry," the blue eyed boy whispered.

"Why are you here?" Harry speaks up.

"I need to talk to you."


"About? Harry, what do you mean 'about?'? I mean about you deciding to break up with me over fucking text!?! You could've at least said it to my face-"

Harry cuts Louis off by pulling him by the arm into his bedroom and closing the door. He didn't want his family hearing this.

"Yeah, your speechless. You don't know what to say because you acted like a fucking asshole. You broke up with me and didn't even give me a reason! You just texted and never replied. First you lock yourself in your room for a week then break up with me? What's going on? I thought you were happy? I know I was," Louis took a breath. "Why would you do this? You have no idea what you put me through the past few days. Hell, it took everything to even gather up the courage to come over here! You broke my heart. I loved you Harry! I love you. The least you can do is give me a real reason," he yells.

"I cant."

"And why not?" Louis furrowed his brows.

"Because, I can't. You don't understand. You're not even supposed to be here right now! Do you know what could happen if he finds out your here?" Harry slams his hand over his mouth as he realized what he just said.

"Who? If who found out?" Louis questioned.

"No one. I've said to much. You need to go," the younger boy states, scared.

"Harry who?"

"No one!"


"Drop it! Louis I swear to god! Just- Just go!"

"No. I am not leaving you. Not again."

"Louis, please. I'm begging you."

"No. Whether you like it or not, I'm staying," Louis says sternly.


"I'm staying!"

"Please. Go."


"Fucking hell," Harry sits on his bed in defeat and runs his hands through his hair as he mutters curse words to himself.

"Harry. Speak to me, please," Louis whispers as he takes a seat on the bed next to Harry.

"I know I've been a jerk lately. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve me. You have your whole life in front of you. You deserve a happy life. With someone you love. Not me."

"But I love you."

"It's not safe to love me."

"What do you mean?"

"All you'll do is get hurt. I can't let you ruin your life for me. I can't pull you down with me. I can't let you sacrifice yourself for me."

"Harry, I don't know what your talking about but I'm not leaving you. No matter how twisted I may be for staying."

Silence fills the room.

"Thank you," Harry whispers after a few minutes.

"Anytime love."

"I can't tell you why I did it but know I didn't want to. It wasn't my choice. I can't tell you why now, but someday I'll open."

"Whenever your ready. But promise me something."


"Never break my heart like that again."

"Deal," the curly haired boy smiles.

"I love you," Louis whispers now an inch away from Harry's face.

"I love you too," Harry replies before closing the space in between their faces and crashing their lips together.

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