Chapter One

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  4 years, 8 months, 21 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes, and 39 seconds.

  4 years, 8 months, 21 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes, and 43 seconds since that night.

  4 years, 8 months, 21 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes, and 57 seconds since his life crumbled.

  4 years, 8 months, 21 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 2 seconds since his biggest regret.

  4 years, 8 months, 21 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 11 seconds since he was free.

  4 years, 8 months, 21 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 28 seconds is where we'll pick up.

  Instead of a new day, it was the continuation of a constant cycle Harry is stuck in. One he can't seem to get out of. He is like a hamster trapped on a spinning wheel. It just keeps going. It was the constant cycle of pretending everything is fine and that he's happy. Where he has to hide his true feelings and lie about how he was. The cycle in which he hid his scars and tears from everyone around him. It was the cycle of crying and breaking down every time he was finally alone. Where his worries were eating away at his heart and skin. The constant battle to not harm himself. A battle he often lost. This never ending cycle of getting the day over with; not looking forward to anything. This cycle broke him.

  Harry gets so fed up and frustrated with this repetitive pattern. It sucked and it still does. It doesn't help that he has to hide everything from everyone. It didn't help that he has a countless amount of secrets bottled up inside of him. To Harry, his life was a never ending cycle of hell. He just wants to be pulled out.

  Gripping the sides of the cold sink, Harry's head slowly lifted, facing the mirror. He stares at his own soul, judging everything about his appearance. His bloodshot eyes with large bags underneath indicated he wasn't sleeping. His skin was pale, giving him an ill filter. His dark curly hair was a mess.

Harry's green eyes sat there nitpicking at every little detail he could find about himself. He despised looking at himself, but couldn't seem to stop the amount of thoughts flooding into his brain as he looked at every inch of his body. He hated his appearance.

  Harry's hand began to shake due to the hard grip his large hands had at the edges of the water basin. He let go and flicked on the tap. He splashed his face, the chilled water causing him to wince. He then stripped off his clothing, deciding to shower that morning. He couldn't stop but look at his shriveled body under that shirt. He was obviously not eating enough, as anyone could see his rib cage through the boy's skin.

  As the cold water from the shower head hit Harry's back, he whimpered. The feeling of the water hitting against his cuts resulted in excruciating pain. Harry only took cold showers. It helped him feel more awake, and after awhile he became numb to the temperature.


It was Harry's first day of the second week of school. The week before he had met a new boy, Niall. Niall was in Harry's english class as well as his biology. They had the same home room as-well. Niall had shiny, blonde hair and spoke in an Irish accent. The boy had become great friends with Harry in such short time.

Harry walked into home room, greeted by the Irish lad, and sat down at the desk next to him.

"Harry. Have you heard?"

"About what?" he replied.

"Apparently there's a new kid coming this week. A guy I think." Harry shifted in his chair to face Niall.

"Really? What's his name?"

Niall thought about it for a second until he suddenly spoke up again. "I heard his name wa-

"Niall! Harry! You better stop talking and start paying attention as your being very distracting and disrespectful," their teacher stated before returning to talking to the class.

Harry was walking to his locker during lunch. Voices whispered behind him. Harry couldn't help but shiver. They are definitely talking about me, he thought. Nevertheless, he ignored the bad feeling overwhelming him as he continued to walk, ignoring the whispering boys.

"Finally," he heard one of the voices clearly state.

Less than a second later, he was pinned against the hard, metal lockers. He barely had anytime to process what happened.

"Well look who it is," a male with black hair and brown eyes came into view.

The thing is, Harry knew exactly who it was.


  Zayn was always jealous of Harry's popularity and wanted it for himself. He would always talk shit about Harry, but he didn't care.

  Zayn and his "entourage" were now stood in front of Harry. "What the fuck do you want, Zayn," Harry scolded.

"Just a little fun," Zayn smirked in response.

Harry's body filled with rage as anger consumed him. He knew what was going to happen as it happened plenty of times last year.

"Zayn. I'm warning you. Back off before you do something you'll regret."

Zayn then punched Harry's jaw leaving a large red mark and a tingling sensation on the skin.

"Fuck you," Harry teethed as he threw his fist into Zayn's stomach, instantly causing Zayn to fall to the ground with a loud thump.

Harry walked away, leaving Zayn with a mocking smirk on his face.

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