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January 17th, 2009
It's over. I've completely lost my former self. I have become so distant from myself that all is left is a shell of who I once was. The memories and things I have done have corrupted my brain. There's only one thing to be thankful of right now; I've completed my pre-round.
-count: 258


Harry and Niall walk towards the cafeteria for lunch.

"Please don't tell anyone. Louis has no idea and I don't want him to know. And Liam has enough to worry about and I don't want him knowing the extent of it right now."

"I won't. Trust me I know how you're feeling. I won't tell anyone to talk to anyone about it. You can trust me mate," Niall looks at Harry sympathetically.

They enter the cafeteria and walk towards their respective table. Louis and Liam were already sitting down, munching on their food.

"Hey lads," Liam looks up as Niall and Harry take a seat.

Niall gives a reassuring nod to Harry.

"Hi," Harry gives Liam a fake smile. "Um, Lou-I mean Louis-can I talk to you?"

"Sure," Louis stands up.

He follows Harry into the hallway.

"What's happening?"

"Well, I think we should tell them," Harry says yet it comes out more like a question.

"Liam and Niall? Or Everyone?" Louis asks.

"I don't know...I guess I'm just tired of hiding our relationship. I want to be able to kiss and hug you whenever we pass in the hallways. And I hate people flirting with you. I just want them to know your mine. All mine," the green eyed boy pulls the blue eyed one into a quick hug.

They pull away and Louis begins to fumble with his fingers. His eyes were wider than normal.

"Harry.. I-I don't know. I mean..."

"Louis. Why are we even keeping it a secret anymore. I mean our parents and siblings know, Niall knows and it-"

Louis shoots his head up and changes his focus from the ground to Harry's eyes.

"Niall knows? Since when!?"

"He only found out today. Like an hour ago. It's not a big deal. He's cool with it."

"Um..," Louis takes a moment to process. "Fine," he finally huffs.

"Yay! Thank you, thank you!" Harry exclaims.

"Can we tell Liam before we tell the whole school? I feel like he deserves to know."

"Of course," Harry pulls Louis back into the cafeteria.

Sitting now with Liam and Niall was Lewis.

"Hey Lewis!" Both boys said simultaneously.

Lewis and Niall chuckled while Liam had a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Um..lads we have something to tell you," Louis begins. "Harry and I...well," Louis reaches for Harry's hand.

"We are dating. And we have been since December," Harry finishes for Louis.

"That's great boys!" Niall shouts a little too loudly. "Oops, sorry."

Liam gets out of his seat and engulfs Harry into a hug and pats him on the back before turning to Louis and doing the same.

"Congratulations!" Lewis smiles.

"I knew something was going on," Liam said then continued to laugh.

The rest quickly joined in.

"Does this mean your going to tell the school?" Niall asks.

"Well, we don't really want to make it a big deal so we won't say we are in a relationship but won't hide it," Harry says taking a seat.

"We just won't announce it that's all," Louis sits down next to his Hazza.

"Now don't be shy lads, go on, kiss," the Scottish one urges.

"Lewis!" Liam smacks the back of Lewis' head.

"Nah, it's quite alright," Louis assures.

Moments later Harry leans it and captures the older one in a captivating kiss, still keeping it quite innocent considering there are watchers.

Some people among the cafeteria began to clap or 'oooh' but most people didn't notice what happened.

Both boys were now blushing.

"I'll see you in class. I'm going to grab something from my locker," Harry pecks Louis cheek and then proceeds to walk out.

Harry's feet are moving one in front of the other when someone's foot manages to trip him.

"Watch where you're going fag."

Harry catches himself and turns around to see that all too familiar smirk.

"Really Zayn?"

"Hey, I'm not the one snogging men every five seconds," the raven-haired boy chuckles.

"Piss off."

"I thought you wanted me here. Arent we friends?" Zayn pouts.

"Not after those remarks," Harry rolls his eyes.

"Oh, cmon I was just playing."

"Like you were playing that night in '08?" Harry snaps.

Rage was beginning to boil inside the younger boy's skin and he felt his muscles on fire.

"Technically it was the night of '07. It only hit '08 after midnight," Zayn smirked.

Harry wanted to slap that smirk right off Zayn's face.

"Fuck off."

"Hey! You're the one who brought up that night..not me," Zayn raises his hands on surrender.

"And you're the dick who ruined my life," Harry shot back.

"You can't put this on me. Technically I didn't ruin your life and you bloody know that! You of all people should know I wasn't the one who ruined it! It was him," Zayn shouts.

Luckily all students were now in class and couldn't hear the verbal fight.

"For fucks sake, of course I know that! I know but you were the one who came up with the..," Harry shudders. "Dare."

"You really want to talk about this right now huh? On campus? Where anyone can walk out of their class and hear everything!?" Zayn's eyes shot deathly glares towards Harry.

"No, you're right. I'm done," Harry mumbles and walks past Zayn.

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