Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: i can't believe it's been over a month since i published the first chapter and came up with this idea. thanks for all the support. we are a little over halfway done with the book! also this chapter is gonna be short bc that's all it needs to be. next chapter will be longer i promise :)

September 2nd 2008
I want this to stop. I cant take it anymore. Please.
-count: 89


Unknown Number- * **** ***...

It's those. Those 8 letters that haunt the 18 year old, Harry Styles' mind. It's those 3 words that force Harry to do whatever comes next. And no, it's not 'I love you'. It's something worse. Something that causes the poor broken boy to freeze up and lose control over his body. Where he has no say in what to do anymore. It's twisted, really.

Unknown Number- ...** breakup with Louis.

Harry Styles- No. No. Please. No. We've only started dating. Please. How'd you even find out it's been only four weeks and the only people who know are our close friends and family. Just...Please. I'm begging you.

Unknown Number- I've already said the words. What's done is done. You'll thank me later. You have until the end of the month.

With that, Harry threw his phone across the room, cursing under his breath.

this can't be happening. fuck you!

Hot tears were flowing down his face leaving the raw skin sensitive. He couldn't break Louis' heart.

this is all my fault. i shouldn't have brought Lou into this.

Harry was feeling guilty. He was wrapped in the covers of his bed, not knowing what to do.

maybe it's for the best? this way Lou can't be hurt anymore.

For the next week and a half Harry hasn't gone into school, nor left his bedroom. His mother would come and bring him food and she still had no idea why her son was acting this way. Harry had ignored everyone's calls and texts. Niall, Liam, Louis, and a few others had come around to the house but Anne told them Harry either wasn't home or wasn't in a mood to talk. Although they were very reluctant and began to practically beg, they eventually left. Harry wanted to put off this breakup as long as possible. He knows that if he didn't break out off with Louis then something bad would happen to him. It's better to breakup then see his boyfriend in physical pain and even then the voice would find a way to make Harry leave Louis. He has to do this for Louis' safety.

Harry picks up his cell phone for the first time in awhile, seeing hundreds of missed calls and texts. Mainly from Louis, Liam, and Niall.

He decided to text Liam and Niall, telling them a lie. He explains how he got his phone taken away and was grounded so his mother wouldn't let him see anyone. He hates lying to them but he knows it's for their safety. Although Liam know about the 'stuff', Harry doesn't tell him every detail. He doesn't want Liam worrying about him more than he already does.

He then clicks on Louis' messages. Harry takes a deep breath. His fingers were shaking. Tears were flowing out of his dull, lifeless green eyes and down his cheeks. It takes him a few minutes to type what he needs to.

My Hazza💚- Louis, I can't do this anymore.

My Lou💙- cant do what? harry, talk to me.

My Hazza💚-It's for your safety. I'm sorry.

My Lou💙- what are you saying?

My Lou💙- harry?

My Lou💙- please, no.

My Lou💙- haz?

My Lou💙- this is all my fault.

My Lou💙- please don't do this

My Lou💙-harry?

My Lou💙- HARRY


Harry powers off his phone. He can't bring himself to read anymore of Louis' texts. Sobbing, Harry brings his knees to his chest.

it's for his safety. it's not my fault. i had to do this. things will be better this way.

He repeats these words in his brain before eventually crying himself to sleep.

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