
471 13 17

September 8th, 2013
I sat there, starring at the underlined words that would eventually take me to a link or website. A towering sensation of fear consumed my body as I lost all feeling in my hands. I really did not want to go through this again. Last time was bad enough. I know I have to click it, but I really don't want to. With the pre-round, round one, and now round two, and eventually round three-I know that each one gets worse. I thought the pre-round was bad so I cannot even begin to imagine what the third must be like. A year in between each round is not enough. I didn't have anytime to recover-Well I did, but not enough time. A voice in my head kept pushing for me to tap the underlined words. I tried with all my willpower not to, but my brain knew the consequences if I refused.

They would come.

I clicked it.

It instantly redirected me to a video. I remember taking a look around me for anyone there. No one was. My shaky finger pressed play as the screen remained black. Nothing happened. I turned up the volume and clicked play again and there it was. That voice. The one that's embedded in my brain. Everything in my body tensed up. A rush of memories came back from the past. The memories I associated with this voice.
-count: i have no fucking clue anymore. 1,000?


-3 months later...


Harry unlocked the front door to reveal a handful of their friends; Liam, Niall, Lewis, Liam's girlfriend: Maya, and a few other people.

Niall's face lit up and stretched out his arms, capturing the green-eyed boy in a tight hug.

"I love the new place mate," Liam beamed.

It has been officially a week since Harry and Louis moved in together. Louis asked Harry the day of their high school graduation and Harry obviously accepted. They searched for a few weeks for the perfect place.

Harry and Louis had finished unpacking earlier this day and decided to break in the new flat by inviting some of their favorite people over.

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts when Louis threw his arms around Harry from behind. Louis kissed the side of the other boy's neck softly.



"I love you," Louis whispered as he removed his arms, allowing Harry to turn around to face Louis.

"I love you too. C'mon, let's catch up to the others."

The pair interlocked fingers and walked towards the living room. They could see Niall pouring drinks in the kitchen, with the open house concept. Harry and Louis took a seat next to Liam and Maya.

"I heard Eleanor was arrested," a boy named Ashton brought up.

"Oh shit. Really?" Maya spoke, surprised.

"We all knew it was going to happen sooner or later," Louis shrugged.

"True," Maya laughed.

"What'd she do?" Harry asked.

"Caught stealing drugs or some shit."

"Sounds like Eleanor," Calum rolled his eyes, clearly not fazed.

Harry placed his hand on Louis' knee, rubbing it lightly.

"Hey bitches!! Someone get your ass in here and help me carry these!" Niall shouted from the kitchen.

"I'll go help him," a girl named Natalie spoke as she stood up and went to go aid Niall.

Moments later the two arrived back with red cups in their hands. They handed them out to everyone and Natalie proceeded to sit back on the couch in the same spot as before. There was no more space for Niall to sit so he plopped his ass right on Natalie's lap.

"Hey!" She whined.

"Looked comfy."

"So..I heard you two are going to to the University of London," Lewis spoke to Harry and Louis.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't wanna go too far from home, right love?" Louis asked.


"Aww you two are so cute," Niall giggled."

"Thanks," Louis responded to the Irish lad.

As the sun was setting and the group were finishing up their pizza, people were beginning to get bored. They had already played a few rounds of Scrabble, but they all wanted to play something else and were now shooting around ideas.

"Never Have I Ever?" Micheal contributed.

"Uno?" Harry questioned.

"Spin the bottle?"


"Ooh! Yeah!"

"Apples to Apples?"

"Truth or Dare!"

Louis jerked his head to face Harry quicker than it ever has before. Harry's eyes were wide. His expression was frozen. All the color flushed from his cheeks, leaving them almost colorless. Shouts of others continued but they were barely audible to Louis. Louis watched as Harry bolted up from his seat and ran out of the room, slamming the door to his and Louis' bedroom. Louis' eyes looked away from the door to the others, noticing the shocked and confused faces.

Meanwhile, Harry's heart was pumping in and out of his chest. His shaky hands were pulling at his hair as he took a seat at the edge of the bed. He could feel his chest and wind pipe closing up, making his breaths short and uneven. The word 'dare' became such a large trigger word for Harry over the last few years.

He felt the mattress dip beside him. A hand softly grabbed Harry's jaw and Louis tilted Harry's face up to meet his own.

"Harry, baby, it's okay. Calm down love," Louis coos.


"'s okay. You're okay. I'm here."

Louis holds Harry and strokes Harry's hair soothingly.

After a few minutes, Harry had finally calm down. The couple returned to the living room, fingers interlocked. The group all looked up simultaneously when the pair entered the room.

"Are you guys okay?" Liam asked, skeptically.

Harry looked at Louis for what to do.

"Uhm, yeah." Louis answered for them both.

"Okay.." Niall chimed in.

"Let's watch a movie!" Natalie beamed.

#filler, sorry

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