06: Off Their Feet

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"So this is your innate domain?"

The girl with the familiar pink and black hair asked with wide eyes compared to them being naturally narrowed, glistening with curiosity and amazement. She let out an airy chuckle, "I'm suprised. It's like you took away my organs and made a throne in my ribcage."

The man sitting on his throne above a small hill of skulls rolled his eyes. He was a rather... giant individual; having a very toned and muscular physique with four arms and two faces.

The twelve year old lazily smirked and clapped her hands, "Well..." she starts, "At least I got to see something this unusual before I die."

Sukuna huffed and scratched his cheek with closed eyes, making him look like a stressed, old man. "You're not dead." He tiredly informs, "Like you said, this is my innate domain, not the afterlife."

Yuju sighs, relieved that she hadn't died from the stupid reason of Satoru training her half to death. "That's good to hear." She mumbles before walking over to the many skulls and tiredly sitting down on one.

Sukuna raised a brow at her, suprised and curious as to why she isn't yelling or trying to attack him like how her older brother did a year ago. She seems relax and completely fine with where she is and the many skulls she's seeing. Children her age normally scream and cry when they see something like this.

"You're rather calm." He commented.

The pinkette hummed in respose before slumping in her seat, "I'm not dead so what's there to be scared about?" She rethorically asked, "Besides, i'm confident you won't kill me or anything because if so, you would've done that already. You also said you like me than my brother so..."

The curse scoffed rather playfully and looked away. "You don't want to leave this place?" He raised a brow and took a glance at the girl.

Yuju shook her head without a second thought, "Let me rest here for awhile. I'm tired." She hums before turning her head to look at the man looking down at her. With a lazy smile, she added, "Just tell me when Satoru-sensei starts to feel guilty so I can get my petty revenge on him."

Sukuna laughed, amused of the little girl's way of thinking. This was one of the reasons he takes interest in her and keeps her alive. Not only is Yuju less annoying than her older brother and keeps talking about Jennifer Lawrence, but she's also quite entertaining.

"Well, even if I do choose to bring you back to life, I have certain conditions you have to agree on. A pact or a geas if you call it."

Yuju nods in response and smiled, "fine by me!"

The curse dropped his smirk, completely taken aback. Huh... what a suprise. "You sure about that?" He asked with a raised brow. He jumped up from his throne and suddenly appeared in front of the girl with suprising speed as the water-like liquid under his feet made a quiet clink sound from the sudden disturbance. "Your brother wasn't so keen about it, he also tricked me into thinking he accepted it. What makes you different?"

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