26: Hero Development

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WARNING: there will be manga spoilers from the Shibuya Incident arc in Jujutsu Kaisen and some characters you may not know. You have been warned.

Personally, I don't mind getting myself spoiled since it's become an unfortunate continuing occurrence for me but I know some of you aren't like me. You can skip the entire paragraph after where Yuju mentions the HPSC to avoid any spoilers in the Shibuya Incident arc:)

 You can skip the entire paragraph after where Yuju mentions the HPSC to avoid any spoilers in the Shibuya Incident arc:)

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Having placed her things in front of her, Yuju let's out a sigh as she sits down on her seat and look outside the train's window, watching as passengers continue to enter the same train she's in.

Satoru and everyone else had already left to Tokyo three days ago, leaving her to commute alone or without Satoru's teleportation which would be more convenient at the moment. She doesn't really mind it though, she does travel by train most of the time whenever she has to do her business in Tokyo during the weekends so this one isn't much different. She didn't even pack as much like her classmates seeing as she already have some things back in her dorm in Jujutsu Tech― courtesy to being a part-time trainor/teacher for the first years there.

"The shinkansen train will be departing in one minute. I repeat, the shinkansen train will be departing in one minute."

Someone takes the vacant seat beside her as they let out a grunt similar to that of an old man's. Yuju takes a glance at the person beside her but when she notices that their uniform was familiar, she turns her head to fully see the face of a grumpy―

"Bakugou?" Yuju furrows her brows, surprised but also confused. "Your internship is in Tokyo?"

The blond lets out a grunt and slouches down his seat, hugging his bag in the process as his frown deepens. "Well what else is my reason here for then?!" He spat, making sure to keep his voice low so as to not disturb the other passengers that were already settling in their seats.

Yuju's left eye twitched, tempted to smack him for his disrespectful tone but that was probably just because he was Bakugou. She takes a few breaths to calm herself before letting out a long sigh and turning to look out the window, watching as the train begins to move and the scenery outside to pass by. She types a message on her phone before putting her headphones on, listening to her favorite band before leaning her head back and taking a nap. She knows that when she reaches Tokyo, she won't be having much of it.


Shinso of 1-C
-gl on your internship ig

Itadori if 1-A
-gl on your studies too ig
-we start training when I get back from my internship

Shinso of 1-C
-but we have classes???

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