32: Heian

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"Alright... that's it for class today." Aizawa announced after the bell rang, voice still as lazy as how the entire class remembered on the first day of school. "There's only one week left before your final exams begin, i'm sure you're all studying constantly. Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element, there's also the practical you should worry about."

Once Aizawa dismissed the class and left the room, Yuju finally allowed herself to bang her head on her desk and let out an overexaggerated groan that caught a handful of her classmates' attention. Her being out of character made them concerned for her well-being. The moment she walked in the room with Sukuna that morning with a more dishielved and haggard look than her typical messy hair, they knew something was wrongㅡ and the fact that she was sick not too long ago made them believe it even more.

And while that was the case, it was normal for Yuju to be whiney, loud, overexaggerating and everything her typical self isn't during summer. While everyone else looked forward to the warm season, the jujutsu household definetely weren't because they had to put up with Yuju's continous whining and scolding at every little thing. At least on her periods, she would only be more aggresive and simply give the asian wide-eye glare whenever they so much as walk past her.

Apparently, her sick days was to actually greet the new season. Getting sick after five years of three hours of sleep didn't sound like it had much sense in it.

Sukuna huffed in his seat, his brows creased and lips curved to a frown as he rests in chin on the palm of his hand. He wouldn't have really cared about summer if it weren't for the fact that is was the season of Yuju's constant whining and complaints at nothing and everything. Summers last year were like hell on earth, he doubt this time would be any different.

He looks at his vessel, immediately noticing how her blazer was off, her red tie and the first two buttons of her shirt were undone. She wasn't even wearing her grey leggings and had gone to a pair of calf-lengthed white socks. Her hair was tied high and the strands that were too short to be tied were put up with black clips. He rolled his eyes. And here she was scolding him for not dressing up properly.

"Are you alright?" Todoroki, ranked 6th in the midterms, came up to Yuju, an arm out as he attempts to pat her back only for Sukuna to swiftly grab ahold of his wrist and glared at him, making him furrow his brows in confusion and surprise.

The curse sighed, closed his eyes and shook his head as he slowly retreats his hand to his lap. "I suggest not touching her."

Todoroki raised a questioning brow. "Why?"

"She's warmly welcoming the summer." Sukuna simply said with a roll of his eyes. Of all times, why had he thought of having a body for himself the exact week Yuju's whining was at it's peak.

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